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  1. 4 giorni fa · Báthori Várkastély és Panoptikum. A Báthori-család a XIV. századi udvarházát a XV. század második felében alakíttatta át, és több önálló palotaszárnnyal is rendelkező várkastéllyá bővíttette. Az épület a XVI. században még jelentős történelmi szerepet töltött be, azonban a későbbi századok folyamán erősen ...

  2. 3 giorni fa · John III and Stephen Báthory formed an alliance against Ivan IV in December 1577, after Báthory had concluded the Danzig War. Already in November, Lithuanian forces had started an offensive from the south and captured Dünaburg (Daugavpils). A Polish-Swedish force took the town and castle of Wenden in early 1578.

    • Stephen VIII Báthory1
    • Stephen VIII Báthory2
    • Stephen VIII Báthory3
    • Stephen VIII Báthory4
    • Stephen VIII Báthory5
  3. 3 giorni fa · Bethlen Gábor szobra. 1986-ban a város vezetői összefogva a Képzőművészeti Lektorátussal, a Szabolcs-Szatmár Megyei Tanáccsal úgy döntött, hogy öt év alatt (évenként megosztva) egymillió forintot áldoz képzőművészeti alkotásra, köztéri szoborra. Az hogy Bethlen Gábor mellett döntöttek annak az az oka, hogy mindazon ...

  4. 1 giorno fa · Fashion: white teeth — or black? 1 Comment / History / By Stephen Hicks. In Henry the VIII’s time, sugar became widely available in England. Those who could afford it used it on just about everything, and too much sugar causes one’s teeth to become black. But sugar was still expensive, so having black teeth came to be a symbol of wealth.

  5. 2 giorni fa · 28. THE PRECEPTORY OF CRESSING. The manor of Cressing with the advowson of the church was granted to the Knights Templars by Maud, queen of Stephen and heiress of the counts of Boulogne, by a charter dated at Evreux in 1136, and confirmed to them by a charter of Stephen near the close of his reign. The same king and queen and their son, count ...

  6. 4 giorni fa · Elizabeta Báthory, cunoscută și sub numele de Erzsébet Báthory, este una dintre cele mai infame figuri din istoria Europei Centrale. Născută în 1560 în Transilvania, Elisabeta este faimoasă pentru legendele sumbre și pentru acuzațiile de tortură și omor care i-au adus renumele de „Contesa Sângeroasă”. Viața și obiceiurile sale au fost subiectul a numeroase speculații […]