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  1. 3 giorni fa · Le ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, ministre de la Coopération et de l'Action humanitaire, Xavier Bettel, a effectué une visite de travail en Israël et en Palestine du 28 au 29 mai 2024.

  2. 1 giorno fa · From June 10 to 13, 2024, HRH the Hereditary Grand Duke will chair an economic mission to Japan led jointly by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Xavier Bettel, and the Minister of the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism, Lex Delles, accompanied by the General Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Carlo Thelen.

  3. 1 giorno fa · Xavier Bettel — Luxembourg Many of the same concerns raised about the Belgians also apply to Bettel, the current Luxembourgish foreign minister. Jean-Claude Juncker, a predecessor of Bettel’s as Luxembourg’s PM, was president of the European Commission until 2019.

  4. 2 giorni fa · L'ex premier lussemburghese Xavier Bettel sembra avere molte più chance del presidente del Consiglio europeo uscente, Charles Michel. L'opzione Mario Draghi, ...

  5. 1 giorno fa · Luxembourg's Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade have reported that the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg will chair an economic mission to Japan from Monday 10 to Thursday 13 June 2024. Jointly leading this mission are Luxembourg's Minister for Foreign ...

  6. 18 ore fa · Similarly, Xavier Bettel's DP managed to remain in government for the third consecutive legislature. In the 2019 European elections, the CSV and DP each won two seats, with the CSV securing 21.1% of the vote and the DP 21.44%. Since then, the DP has lost ground, including the seat of Monica Semedo, who was elected with 50,890 votes.

  7. 1 giorno fa · Xavier Bettel, qui a longtemps été Premier ministre luxembourgeois et est désormais ministre des Affaires étrangères, fait l’objet de discussions depuis longtemps. En novembre 2023, le Premier ministre suédois Ulf Kristersson avait encore estimé qu’il ne serait «pas surpris de le voir [Xavier Bettel] beaucoup plus dans la politique européenne à l’avenir».