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  1. Juan del Castillo è stato un missionario e gesuita spagnolo. Missionario delle Missioni gesuite dei Guaraní nel Paraguay, due giorni dopo fu ucciso Rocco González. È considerato martire e, già beatificato il 28 gennaio 1934 da papa Pio XI, fu canonizzato da papa Giovanni Paolo II nel 1988.

  2. Father Juan del Castillo was the third Jesuit to suffer martyrdom at the hands of the indigenous people of the South American Reductions. He was born in Belmonte, province of Toledo, Spain, on 14 November 1596.

  3. Juan del Castillo (c. 1590 – c. 1657) was a Spanish Baroque painter. Many of his paintings became famous during his time due to his pupil, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Del Castillo was the youngest brother of the painter Agustín. Both were trained in painting by Luis Fernández in Seville.

  4. Juan del Castillo. Castillo, Juan del. Sevilla, c. 1590 – c. 1655. Pintor. Escasas noticias se poseen sobre la biografía de este artista, desconociéndose con precisión las fechas de su nacimiento y de su muerte. La primera referencia documental que de él se conoce data del año 1611 cuando ingresa en la congregación del Santísimo ...

  5. Juan del Castillo è stato il terzo gesuita a subire il martirio per mano degli indigeni delle Riduzioni sudamericane. Nacque a Belmonte, provincia di Toledo, Spagna, il 14 novembre 1596. Dopo aver studiato legge per un anno all’Università di Alcalá, scelse di entrare nel noviziato di Madrid nel 1614.

  6. 9 apr 2024 · Juan del Castillo, an architect native to this region, lived out a large part of his architectural career in Portugal. He boasts five creations that have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites – among them is the Jerónimos Monastery in Lisbon, which will bear witness to La Vuelta 24’s Grand Departure.

  7. Juan del Castillo was a Spanish Baroque painter. Many of his paintings became famous during his time due to his pupil, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Del Castillo was the youngest brother of the painter Agustín.