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  1. William Timothy O'Brien, meglio noto come Tim O'Brien (Austin, 1º ottobre 1946), è uno scrittore statunitense, conosciuto soprattutto per aver scritto riguardo alla guerra del Vietnam e sull'impatto che ebbe sui soldati statunitensi che vi parteciparono.

  2. Tim O'Brien (born October 1, 1946) is an American novelist who served as a soldier in the Vietnam War. Much of his writing is about wartime Vietnam, and his work later in life often explores the postwar lives of its veterans.

  3. Libri di Tim O'brien. (Austin, Minnesota, 1946) scrittore statunitense. Contrario alla guerra, fu mandato in Vietnam (1969-70). È stato tra i primi a scrivere, mescolando realtà e finzione, su quell’esperienza (Se muoio in zona di guerra mettimi in una scatola e spediscimi a casa, If I die in a combat zone box me up and ship me home, 1973, nt;

  4. Timothy O’Brien (Austin, Minnesota, 1946), laureatosi in Scienze politiche nel 1968, combatté in Vietnam dal 1969 al 1970 per poi dedicarsi al giornalismo e alla scrittura creativa.

  5. 24 feb 2021 · Now 74, O'Brien didn't become a father until his late 50s. He reflects on writing, mortality and his experiences in Vietnam in the new documentary, The War and Peace of Tim O'Brien.

  6. Timothy O'Brien (born March 16, 1954) is an American country and bluegrass musician. In addition to singing, he plays guitar, fiddle, mandolin, banjo, bouzouki and mandocello.

  7. 22 apr 2024 · Tim O’Brien, American novelist noted for his writings about American soldiers in the Vietnam War. His notable books included the nonfiction If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home (1973) and the novels Going After Cacciato (1978) and The Things They Carried (1990).