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  1. Ahmose Nefertari (anche Ahmes Nefertari) (Tebe, 1570/1565 a.C. – ca. 1505/1500 a.C.) è stata una regina egizia della XVIII dinastia. Fu una delle donne più influenti della XVIII dinastia, e una fra le più venerate della storia egizia, al punto che dopo la morte divenne, con il figlio Amenofi I, oggetto di un culto speciale

  2. Ahmose-Nefertari (Ancient Egyptian: Jꜥḥ ms Nfr trj) was the first Great Royal Wife of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. She was a daughter of Seqenenre Tao and Ahhotep I, and royal sister and wife to Ahmose I. Her son Amenhotep I became pharaoh and she may have served as his regent when he was young. Ahmose-Nefertari was deified after her death.

  3. Ahmès-Néfertary est l'épouse et probablement la sœur du pharaon Ahmôsis Ier (nom grec de Iâhmes, ou Ahmose ), fondateur de la XVIIIe dynastie. Elle est qualifiée de fille royale, sœur royale, grande épouse royale sur les stèle de la donation et stèle de Maasara 1 .

  4. Ahmes-Nefertari could be represented on architectural elements, such as lintels or doorposts (example on the left, from TT210, Rauben), but especially on the wall decoration of near fifty private tombs (never in royal tombs). The first representations date from her lifetime and continue until the end of the Ramesside period.

  5. By contrast, queen Ahmes-Nefertari does not benefit either from a priesthood, or from a sanctuary in the village; she had to be content with one of the "corporate chapels" dedicated to the local divinities. Craftsmen associate her much more with festivals of their holy protector Amenophis than they pay her a personal hommage.

  6. › museums-static › digitalegyptAhmes Nefertari - UCL

    Ahmes Nefertari (Ahmose Nofertari) There are several very important female members of the royal family at the beginning of the 18th Dynasty appearing on many contemporary and later monuments, suggesting that they played some political role in their time. The most important of these is Ahmose Nefertari, the daughter of king Seqenenre, and his ...

  7. Ahmose Nefertari was the sister and Great Royal Wife of king Ahmose I, the first king of the 18th Dynasty. After taking the reins from the Hyksos’s hands and unifying a dismantled Egypt, Ahmose I was the first ruler of Egyptian origin to bring Egypt into what is referred to as it’s Golden Age, also known as the New Kingdom.