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  1. How we provide quality education in conflict-affected areas. Delivering quality education in resource-constrained settings. Read more. War Child works exclusively to improve the resilience and wellbeing of children living with violence and armed conflict. We empower children worldwide.

  2. Read the latest news from War Child and the stories of the children and communities we support around the world. View all. War Child protects, educates, and stands up for the rights of children in war. Donate, fundraise, join us - ensure a safe future for every child living through war.

  3. Rispetto ai lavori precedenti dei Jethro Tull, War Child mostra un chiaro allontanamento dai canoni del rock progressivo (e del rock in generale), a favore di una più forte commistione con la musica folk e musica popolare; si notano in particolare la rilevanza acquisita dallo strumento della fisarmonica e i riferimenti alla musica ...

    • 39:11
    • 14 ottobre 1974
  4. War Child è un'organizzazione non governativa fondata nel Regno Unito nel 1993 che fornisce assistenza ai bambini nelle aree in conflitto e all'indomani del conflitto. La fondazione di War Child UK fu presto seguita da organizzazioni in Canada e nei Paesi Bassi.

    • 1993
    • Beneficenza
    • inglese
  5. War Child - Jethro Tull - recensione. Jethro Tull. Pibroch. 18 apr 06 • Voto: Voti: 10. Media: 4,50. DeRango™: 13,63. Commenti: 17. Visite: 7077. “ La ragazza, vedendomi nervoso, mi chiese se gradissi una tazza di thè, ma ero troppo scosso per quanto stava succedendo e non senza rimpianti rifiutai.

  6. At War Child, we will never give up on children affected by conflict. War Child is the only specialist charity for children affected by conflict. For more than two decades, we’ve been driven by a single goal – ensuring a safe future for every child living through war.

  7. Its specific focus is providing relevant mental health and psychosocial support, protection and education, as well as rapid assistance in emergency situations. It is made up of three entities: War Child Netherlands, War Child Sweden (established in 2016) and War Child Germany (established in 2019).