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  1. The Yale School of Art is a graduate school that confers MFAs in Graphic Design, Painting/Printmaking, Photography, and Sculpture; and offers undergraduate-level art courses to Yale College

  2. La Yale School of Art è la scuola d'arte dell'Università di Yale, che si trova a New Haven, nel Connecticut, negli Stati Uniti d'America.

  3. The Yale School of Art is the art school of Yale University. Founded in 1869 as the first professional fine arts school in the United States, it grants Masters of Fine Arts degrees to students completing a two-year course in graphic design, painting/printmaking, photography, or sculpture.

  4. Degna di nota anche la Yale School of Drama, la facoltà di teatro, che ha formato numerosi attori e commediografi di Broadway e Hollywood, così come le facoltà d'arte, teologia, ecologia, musica, medicina, management e architettura, spesso citate come tra le più prestigiose nei rispettivi settori.

  5. La Scuola di Architettura della Yale University era nel mezzo di uno sconvolgimento pedagogico quando Louis Kahn entrò a far parte della facoltà nel 1947.

  6. Yale College, the undergraduate division of Yale University, offers a Bachelor of Arts degree program with a major in art. Undergraduate applicants wishing to major in art at Yale must apply to Yale College directly.

  7. Activating the power of art to inspire and to create a more inclusive world. Learn how to engage with art. Yale University Art Gallery is the oldest college art museum in America. FREE and open to the public.