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  1. 3 giorni fa · The Sept. 10 debate was one of two debates that President Joe Biden and Trump had agreed on. The first one was hosted by CNN on June 27, but Biden has since dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris as his successor. Trump has said he would prefer to shift the debate to Fox News, but he would be willing to face off with Harris more than once.

  2. 3 giorni fa · STATI UNITI. «Grazie per il sostegno, non vedo l'ora di lavorare con te nei prossimi mesi». Benjamin Netanyahu ha incontrato il presidente "dimissionario" Joe Biden alla Casa Bianca. WASHINGTON ...

  3. 2 giorni fa · As Joe Biden starts his long goodbye with a televised address from the Oval Office, Donald Trump and his likely rival in November's presidential election, Kamala Harris, have been trading blows ...

  4. 3 giorni fa · Susan Walsh/AP. President Joe Biden’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today marks his first sit-down with a world leader since he exited the 2024 race on Sunday.

  5. 3 giorni fa · Joe Biden will tell Benjamin Netanyahu a ceasefire in Gaza is needed “soon,” the White House said Thursday, as the leaders met to discuss the country’s nine-month war with Hamas militants.

  6. 3 giorni fa · Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu hat sich bei US-Präsident Joe Biden bei einem Treffen im Weißen Haus für dessen Unterstützung für Israel bedankt. "Ich möchte Ihnen für 50 Jahre im ...

  7. 3 giorni fa · Washington (dpa) - Nach seiner Rede im US-Kongress hat Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu US-Präsident Joe Biden getroffen. Die beiden kamen am Donnerstag im Weißen Haus zusammen. Geplant war auch ein Treffen Netanjahus mit Bidens Vize Kamala Harris, die nach der Wahl am 5.