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  1. L'Università Jagellonica (in polacco: Uniwersytet Jagielloński, spesso abbreviato UJ) è un'università di Cracovia. È la più antica università del Paese, fondata nel 1364 da Casimiro III di Polonia come Akademia Krakowska, ed è quindi una delle più antiche al mondo, la seconda più longeva dell'Europa orientale, dopo l ...

  2. Legislacja w administracji publicznej - nowe studia podyplomowe. Katedra Prawa Administracyjnego Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UJ od września rozpocznie rekrutację na nowy kierunek studiów podyplomowych - Legislacja w administracji publicznej.

  3. The Jagiellonian University was ranked highest amongst Polish higher education institutions in the Center for World University Rankings 2024 (CWUR). It is closely followed by the University of Warsaw and AGH University of Science and Technology.

  4. Welcome at the Jagiellonian University! Come and join us at the oldest university in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe: live and learn at the academic heart of Eastern Europe, home of excellent researchers in many disciplines, including humanities, medicine, social sciences, mathematics or natural sciences.

  5. L’Università Jagellonica, fondata dal re Casimiro il Grande nel 1364 con il nome di Accademia Cracoviana, è la più antica in Polonia e la seconda università fondata in questa parte d'Europa dopo l’ateneo di Praga (1348). Dopo la morte del monarca l’accademia conobbe tuttavia un periodo di declino.

  6. The Jagiellonian University (Polish: Uniwersytet Jagielloński, UJ) is a public research university in Kraków, Poland. Founded in 1364 by King Casimir III the Great , it is the oldest university in Poland and the 13th oldest university in continuous operation in the world .

  7. Welcome at JU! Come and join us at the oldest university in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe: live and learn at the academic heart of Eastern Europe, home of excellent researchers in many disciplines, including humanities, medicine, social sciences, mathematics or natural sciences.