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  1. Aliyah bint al-Mansur (Arabic: علية بنت المنصور) was the 8th century Abbasid princess, only daughter of second Abbasid caliph al-Mansur and half-sister of third Abbasid caliph al-Mahdi.

  2. › wiki › Al-Mansural-Mansur - Wikipedia

    Al-Mansur was a great great-grandson of Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, an uncle of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. Al-Mansur's brother al-Saffah began asserting his claim to become caliph in the 740s and became particularly active in Khorasan, an area where non-Arab Muslims lived.

  3. Manṣūr bin Zāyed Āl Nahyān è un politico e imprenditore emiratino, vice presidente e vice primo ministro degli Emirati Arabi Uniti e ministro della Corte presidenziale, nonché membro della famiglia reggente di Abu Dhabi.

  4. Fāṭimah bint Muḥammad al-Taymī ( Arabic: فاطمة بنت محمد التيمي) was the third influential wife of the Abbasid caliph al-Mansur. She was the mother of famous prince Sulayman . Biography. Fatimah belonged to Banu Taym clan of the Quraysh. She was also known as 'Fatimah al-Talhi'.

  5. Al-Mansur is generally regarded as the real founder of the Abbasid Caliphate, one of the largest polities in world history, for his role in stabilizing and institutionalizing the dynasty. He is also known for founding the 'round city' of Madinat al-Salam which was to become the core of imperial Baghdad.

  6. Lutte contre les Alides. Al-Mansûr surnomma « al-Mahdî » son fils Muhammad et l'envoya lutter contre les opposants chiites dans le Khorasan, pourtant descendant de la famille du prophète ( Ahl al-bayt ).

  7. עבדאללה בן מחמד אל-מנצור (ב ערבית: عبد الله بن محمد المنصور, 712 -אוקטובר 775 ), שנודע גם ב כוניה אבו ג'עפר ( أبو جعفر) ה ח'ליף השני ל בית עבאס, שלט בין 754 ו- 775. אל-מנצור היה אחיו של הח'ליף הראשון לשושלת ...