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  1. Unfortunately, Christianity today runs in a way parallel to Christ setting, with lots of defensive mechanisms and alibi in the Church. This book is designed to guide Christians and Church leadership to attain the fit of the early disciples and enable them make heaven on the last day.

  2. RE-POSITIONING THE CHURCH FOR GROWTH. The God of Growth. The Christian God is the God of growth. At the beginning of His creation He set the growth agenda by instructing creation to be fruitful and multiply. (Gen 1:22). Due to the fact of God’s nature on growth others have gone to Him in prayers for growth and enlargements.

  3. And as trees of God, we sometimes need divine transplanting, or to use another word, “re-positioning.” Some transplantings are gentle and relatively easy; others are radical, traumatic, and they scare us to death.

  4. 13 giu 2018 · The re-positioning for church growth efforts must consider transforming discipleship, discernment of the movement of the Holy Spirit, keeping the church Bible – based, encouragement of lay ministries and mission to the margins.

  5. We enter into each of the teachings of Jesus by choosing different behaviors that are relevant, finding the space--making the arrangements--in our lives to put them into action, and re-visioning the situation in the new behavioral space including God.

  6. 15 giu 2013 · Divine Re-positioning The best position for you in life is that which God has ordained for you. Due to the lack of spiritual foresight and invariably divine guidance, a lot of people do not attain the height that God has made their portion.

  7. A group of Christian activists in the Philippines calls for a reorientation of theological activity from the exposition of the Christian faith to interpreting the pastoral experience of church people in the midst of the suffering and struggling people. They espouse a “theology of struggle.”