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  1. The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories built around a frame tale, a common and already long established genre in this period. Chaucer's Tales differs from most other story "collections" in this genre chiefly in its intense variation. Most story collections focused on a theme, usually a religious one.

  2. Key learning points. 'The Canterbury Tales' is a poem written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 14th century. Chaucer creates a group of characters who are going on pilgrimage, and they tell each other stories on the way. In the first section of the poem, Chaucer creates compelling descriptions of each pilgrim.

  3. Il prologo e il racconto del mugnaio (The Miller's Prologue and Tale) è la seconda novella ne I racconti di Canterbury di Geoffrey Chaucer. Essa è raccontata da un mugnaio ubriaco in seguito alla precedente novella Il racconto del cavaliere.

  4. General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer,1969 No Marketing Blurb The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer,2006-05-30 Lively, absorbing, often outrageously funny, Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is a work of genius, an undisputed classic that has held a special appeal for each generation of readers. The

  5. Si tratta di un gruppo di persone che provengono da tutte le classi sociali: come il narratore, anche loro sono diretti al santuario del martire Tommaso Becket, a Canterbury. Il narratore descrive nel dettaglio i diversi pellegrini (ad eccezione degli accompagnatori della Priora, ovvero la Monaca e il Cappellano ).

  6. The Institute of Continuing Education is based at Madingley Hall (CB23 8AQ) in the village of Madingley, four miles west of Cambridge. It is easily accessible from the M11, A14 and A428. Other gateways include Cambridge Main Railway Station and London airports. If you are arriving in Cambridge by train you can take a taxi to Madingley Hall.

  7. 11 feb 2020 · One of the many reasons Geoffrey Chaucer’s 14th-century magnum opus The Canterbury Tales is considered a groundbreaking collection of stories is because he chose to write it not in a highbrow language like Latin or French, but in the common tongue of the people: Middle English. Since colloquial English has changed quite a bit over the past ...