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  1. › wiki › CynaneCynane - Wikipedia

    Cynane (Greek: Kυνάνη, Kynane or Κύνα, Cyna or Κύννα, Cynna; [1] 357 [2] – 323 BC [3]) was half-sister to Alexander the Great, and daughter of Philip II by Audata, an Illyrian princess. She is estimated to have been born in 357 BC.

  2. › wiki › CynaneCynane - Wikipedia

    Biografia. Era figlia del re Filippo II di Macedonia e di Audata, principessa degli Illiri. Fu quindi sorellastra di Alessandro Magno. Audata addestrò la figlia all'equitazione, alla caccia e alla lotta come voleva la tradizione illirica.

  3. 27 nov 2015 · Cynane (l. c. 357- 323 BCE, pronounced `Keenahnay') was the daughter of the Illyrian Princess Audata and King Philip II of Macedon, making her the half-sister of Alexander the Great (l.356-323 BCE).

    • Joshua J. Mark
    • Macedonia’s Illyrian Foe
    • Young Cynane
    • Enter Alexander
    • Diplomatic Pawn
    • Hiatus
    • The Puppet-King
    • Cynane’S Opportunity
    • March on Babylon
    • Confronting Cynane
    • First Horror, Then Anger

    Cynane’s origins derive from the contentious relations between ancient Macedonia and their long-time enemies, the Illyrians. They were ferocious warrior peoples situated to the north and west of Macedonia. During the early 4thcentury BC, the Illyrian menace was particularly threatening. Under the leadership of the daunting Bardylis, King of the Dar...

    The fascinating thing about Illyrian women in the 4thcentury BC was that they were raised for war; from childhood they were taught to be tough and to fight alongside the men in battle when necessary. Cynane was no different. From an early age Audata trained her daughter in the art of war, staying true to her Illyrian roots; by the time Cynane had r...

    In 336 BC, King Philip II of Macedonia was assassinated and his son Alexander, the later Alexander the Great, came to the throne. One of Alexander’s first actions was to remove any rival claimants to his throne. This included a man called Amyntas, Alexander’s cousin. Amyntas was also the husband of Cynane. So one of the first things Alexander did w...

    Alexander wasn’t done with Cynane. He saw her as a pawn that he could use in his diplomatic games: a key asset in a time when marriages between royal houses were critical to securing strong, lasting alliances with neighbouring kingdoms. Alexander did just that in 335 BC when he arranged to marry the strong-willed Cynane off to one of his most loyal...

    Between 335 and 323 BC, we do not hear much about Cynane, and you can understand why: our sources tend to focus on Alexander the Great, his conquest of the Persian Empireand his marching of his armies as far as India. Yet upon Alexander’s death in Babylon in 323 BC, Cynane comes back into the fold. Following Alexander the Great’s death, and especia...

    Philip Arrhidaeus was the half brother of Alexander the Great. Unlike Amyntas he had survived Alexander’s reign because Alexander had not considered him a potential threat to his throne. Although we do not know for certain what condition he had, Arrhidaeus was simple-minded. He couldn’t make a logical decision on his own; he could not rule without ...

    It wasn’t just Alexander’s generals who realised they could use Philip Arrhidaeus III to their advantage. News soon reached Cynane. She too sensed opportunity. At that time (early 322 BC), Cynane had a 15-year-old daughter called Adea – the child of her marriagewith Amyntas all those years before. As there was currently no Macedonian queen, Cynane ...

    Cynane had one great trump card to help her achieve her power play: her direct link to Alexander the Great. The Macedonians viewed Alexander as a semi-divine figure, a man who had taken his seat among the Gods as soon as he had breathed his last. Her direct link was a golden ticket for Cynane. She soon gathered a small army of Macedonians, with who...

    Perdiccas ordered his brother Alcetas to take command of the Macedonian army in Babylon and stop Cynane in her tracks. Their armies met somewhere on the Asian side of the Hellespont. They had reached a showdown. Prior to any fighting, Cynane and Alcetas met in full view of both armies. As soon as Cynane saw Alcetas in her way, she berated him, endl...

    When the Macedonian soldiers – including those in Alcetas’ army – saw Cynane fall lifeless to the floor, they looked on in absolute horror. And this horror soon transformed into anger. The reason was simple. Cynane’s direct link to Alexander and the Macedonian royal family, combined with the legends surrounding her, meant that the Macedonian soldie...

    • Tristan Hughes
  4. 25 mag 2024 · Cynane‘s story is one of a remarkable woman navigating the deadly intrigues of the Hellenistic world through both prowess and politics. While her assassination cut her ambitions short, she paved the way for her daughter to emerge as a formidable player in the Wars of the Successors.

  5. 5 mar 2019 · Cynane mobilized her troops and headed toward the imperial capital at Babylon. Perdiccas sent an army, headed by one of Alexander’s generals, to stop her at the Macedonian border. She defeated him at the Strymon River, now the Struma, and crossed into Asia.

  6. 2 nov 2020 · Cynane was born around 358 B.C.E. as the daughter of Philip II of Macedon and his first or second wife, Audata/Eurydice. She was the eldest of Philip’s daughters, inheriting from his father the belonging into the prestigious royal house of the Argeads. Cynane’s maternal line, often overlooked, was also reputable.