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  1. › wiki › NarimantasNarimantas - Wikipedia

    Narimantas or Narymunt (baptized Gleb; 1277 or just before 1300 (according to Wasilewski 1992) – 2 February 1348) was the second eldest son of Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania. During various periods of his life, he ruled Pinsk and Polotsk.

  2. › wiki › NarimantasNarimantas - Wikipedia

    Narimantas o Narimunt era il secondo figlio maggiore di Gediminas, Granduca di Lituania. Durante vari periodi della sua vita, governò Pinsk e Polack. Nel 1333 fu invitato dai nobili di Novgorod a governare e proteggere i territori più a nord, ovvero Ladoga, Orešek e Korela. Avviò la tradizione del corpo di mercenari lituani in ...

  3. 2 mag 2023 · Narimantas or Narymunt (baptized Gleb, ca. 1277 – February 2, 1348) was the second eldest son of Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania. During various periods of his life, he ruled Pinsk and Polatsk. In 1333 he was invited by Novgorod's nobles to rule and protect territories in the north, Ladoga, Oreshek and Korela.[1]

    • "Наримантас / Наримонт"
    • Вильна, Великое Княжество Литовское
    • 1277
  4. Narimantas (o Narymunt, battezzato Gleb, probabilmente nato nel 1294 e morto il 2 febbraio 1348) è il secondo figlio maggiore di Gediminas, Granduca di Lituania. Durante vari periodi della sua vita governò le città di Pinsk e Polatsk. Biografia. Narimantas fu battezzato nel 1333.

  5. Narimantas or Narymunt (baptized Gleb, born just before 1300 (according to Wasilewski 1992) – February 2, 1348) was the second eldest son of Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania. During various periods of his life, he ruled Pinsk and Polatsk .

  6. 29 dic 2009 · Wikipea: Narimantas / Narymunt (babtized 1777- died February 2th 1348) was the secod eldest son of Gediminas. During various period of his life, he ruled Pinsk, and Polatsk. In 1333 he was invited by Novgorod´s nobles to rule and potect territories in North, Ladoga, Oreshek and Korela.

  7. Narimantas or Narymunt (baptized Gleb, born just before 1300 (according to Wasilewski 1992) – February 2, 1348) was the second eldest son of Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania. During various periods of his life, he ruled Pinsk and Polotsk.