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  1. 1 giorno fa · Rattlesnake round-ups are events where participants gather to hunt and kill rattlesnakes. These gatherings often turn into festivals, featuring activities like snake handling, demonstrations, and even cooking the snakes. Originating as a means to control rattlesnake populations, these events have evolved into social gatherings, attracting ...

  2. › wiki › can-miles-beat-captain-americaCan Miles beat Captain America?

    2 giorni fa · Aside from enhanced strength and speed, Cap also gained enhanced reflexes — enough to dodge bullets from point-blank range. While Batman, though more reflexive than an average human, just wouldn't cut it in the reflexes department. In a Batman vs Captain America reflex-combat, America would take the win.

  3. 4 giorni fa · Two Strangers Trying Not To Kill Each Other - Un film di Manon Ouimet, Jacob Perlmutter. La lunga storia d'amore di due artisti.. Documentario, Gran Bretagna, Danimarca, USA, 2024. Durata 100 min.

  4. 1 giorno fa · It's VERY prominent in China with the "Hands Fighting" or whatnot, where they use Tai Chi and it's like 10% real people doing real Martial Arts work and 90% of that fake "energy" shit you see on YT all the time. They really like to say "My Chi is so strong I'd kill you." lol

  5. 2 giorni fa · Link copiato. (ANSA) - LOS ANGELES, 05 GIU - "Il punto d'incontro tra Frozen e Kill Bill". Con questa proposta sintetica e insolita nel 2019, la sceneggiatrice, produttrice e regista Leslye Headland ha convinto la presidente della Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy a farle creare una nuova serie ambientata nell'universo di Star Wars. Cinque anni dopo ...

  6. Regisseur Bertrand Bonello neemt ons in zijn nieuwe film The Beast (2023) mee naar het jaar 2044, waar kunstmatige intelligentie de dienst uitmaakt en menselijke emoties als een bedreiging worden gezien, omdat ze mensen zouden corrumperen. Lees verder.

  7. 3 giorni fa · Obruchev realises that it is a trap set by Blofeld to kill Bond with a deadly virus, but he is working for someone else and has re-engineered the virus to attack only the members of Spectre. When Bond brings Obruchev to Leiter, Ash betrays them and helps Obruchev escape, killing Leiter.