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  1. Anton Drexler ( Monaco di Baviera, 13 giugno 1884 – Monaco di Baviera, 24 febbraio 1942) è stato un politico tedesco, uno dei fondatori e il primo presidente del Partito Nazionalsocialista Tedesco dei Lavoratori (NSDAP). Indice. 1 Biografia. 1.1 L'incontro con Hitler. 1.2 Il Partito nazista. 1.3 Fuori dal partito. 2 Onorificenze. 3 Altri progetti.

  2. Anton Drexler (13 June 1884 – 24 February 1942) was a German far-right political agitator for the Völkisch movement in the 1920s. He founded the German Workers' Party (DAP), the pan-German and anti-Semitic antecedent of the Nazi Party (NSDAP). Drexler mentored his successor in the NSDAP, Adolf Hitler, during his early years in ...

  3. Porträtaufnahme Drexlers. Anton Drexler (* 13. Juni 1884 in München; † 24. Februar 1942 ebenda) war ein deutscher Politiker und 1919 Mitbegründer der Deutschen Arbeiterpartei (DAP). Diese antisemitische und nationalistische Partei benannte sich bald in Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei um. 1921 wurde Drexler von ...

  4. 20 feb 2018 · Updated December 19, 2018. Angered by the burdensome terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Anton Drexler took matters into his own hands and founded what would eventually become the Nazi Party. Wikimedia Commons A photograph of Anton Drexler when he was chairman of the German Workers’ Party.

  5. Partito Tedesco dei Lavoratori - Wikipedia. Il Partito Tedesco dei Lavoratori [4] (in tedesco: Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - DAP) fu un partito politico tedesco di estrema destra fondato e guidato da Anton Drexler il 5 gennaio 1919 ed attivo per breve tempo durante la Repubblica di Weimar .

  6. Courtesy of The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections. In January 1919, Anton Drexler founded the German Workers’ Party. This party was formed from a group who had previously met regularly to discuss political matters. The party met weekly in a beer hall in Munich. After the pressures of war Munich was politically unstable.

  7. Contents. Anton Drexler. German locksmith. Learn about this topic in these articles: founder of Nazi party. In Nazi Party: Founding of the Nazi Party and the Beer Hall Putsch. …the German Workers’ Party by Anton Drexler, a Munich locksmith, in 1919.