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  1. Milan Aćimović (Pinosava, 31 maggio 1898 – Zelengora, maggio 1945) è stato un politico serbo, primo ministro della Serbia. Avvocato professionista, ricoprì la carica di ministro degli Interni dal 1938 al 1939.

  2. Milan Aćimović (Serbian Cyrillic: Милан Аћимовић; 31 May 1898 – 25 May 1945) was a Yugoslav politician and collaborationist with the Axis in Yugoslavia during World War II.

    • Background
    • Establishment
    • Operation
    • Replacement
    • Analysis

    In April 1941, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was invaded and quickly defeated by the Axis powers. Yugoslavia was partitioned, and as part of this, the Germans established a military government of occupation in an area roughly the same as the pre-1912 Kingdom of Serbia, consisting of Serbia proper, the northern part of Kosovo (around Kosovska Mitrovica)...

    A search began for a suitable Serb to lead a collaborationist regime. From the date of the Yugoslav capitulation, pro-German politicians, including the president of the fascist Zbor movement, Dimitrije Ljotić, former Belgrade police chief and Minister of the Interior, Milan Aćimović, the current Belgrade police chief, Dragomir Jovanović, along with...

    Initial tasks

    During May, the earlier proclamation of the OKH was followed by orders issued by Förster, requiring the registration of printing presses and imposing restrictions on the press within the occupied territory. Orders were also issued regarding the operation of theatres and other places of entertainment, and imposing German criminal law in the occupied territory. Förster also ordered the resumption of production, disestablished the National Bank of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and established the S...

    Occupation troops

    Förster was subsequently transferred, and on 2 June was succeeded by General der Flakartillerie[g] Ludwig von Schröder, another Luftwaffe officer. On 9 June, the commander of the German 12th Army, Generalfeldmarschall[h] Wilhelm List, was appointed as the Wehrmacht Commander-in-Chief Southeast Europe, with Schröder reporting directly to him. From his headquarters in Belgrade, Schröder directly controlled four poorly-equipped local defence (German: Landesschützen) battalions, consisting of old...

    The Banat

    In late June, the Aćimović administration issued an ordinance regarding the administration of the Banat which essentially made the region a separate civil administrative unit under the control of the local Volksdeutsche led by Sepp Janko. While the Banat was formally under the jurisdiction of the Aćimović administration, in practical terms it was largely autonomous of Belgrade and under the direction of the military government through the military area command in Pančevo.

    The German occupation authorities considered Aćimović and his administration incompetent due to their failure to suppress the uprising, and had been considering sacking Aćimović since mid-July. To strengthen the puppet government, Danckelmann wanted to find a Serb who was both well-known and highly regarded by the population who could raise some so...

    Apart from the Zbor activists, some members of the Commissioner Government may appear on face value to have been compliant bureaucrats with few ideological convictions. The historian Alexander Prusin asserts that on closer examination, they accepted collaboration with the occupiers as a means to spare Serbs from political influences that they consi...

  3. Milan Aćimović ( Pinosava, 31. maj 1898 — 1945) je bio srpski političar i saradnik nacista tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Bio je šef prve kvislinške uprave i komesar policije u okupiranoj Srbiji 1941. godine. Pre rata bio je ministar unutrašnjih poslova u vladi Milana Stojadinovića.

  4. Milan Aćimović (Pinosava, 31. maj 1898 — Zelengora,25. maj 1945) bio srpski je političar i kvisling tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Bio je na čelu Komesarske uprave tokom 1941. godine, prve kolaboracionističke srpske vlade nakon Aprilskog rata. Aćimović je bio kriminolog po profesiji.

  5. Milan Aćimović ( Pinosava, 31. svibnja 1898. – Zelengora, svibnja 1945. ), srpski političar prije i tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. Bio je na čelu Komesarskog vijeća tijekom 1941. godine, prve kolaboracionističke srpske vlade nakon Travanjskog rata. Po struci je bio kriminolog.

  6. Many members of the Serbian government maintained contact with the Chetniks, including interior minister Milan Aćimović. He later served as the liaison between the Germans and the Chetnik leader Draža Mihailović.