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  1. Turhan Pasha Përmeti (Trikala, dicembre 1846 – Neuilly-sur-Seine, 18 febbraio 1927) è stato un politico e diplomatico ottomano di etnia albanese. È stato il secondo Primo ministro dell'Albania nel 1914 e nuovamente tra il 1918 e il 1920.

  2. Turhan Përmeti (19 December 1846 – 18 February 1927) was an Albanian politician and statesman who served as the second prime minister of Albania, serving from March 1914 to September 1914 and from December 1918 to January 1920. He was also in service of the Ottoman state and held the title of Pasha of the Ottoman Empire.

  3. Turhan pashë Përmeti (Tërhallë, 1262 H; 1845 ose 1846 - Neuilly, Francë, 9 shkurt 1927) ka qenë nëpunës e diplomat shqiptar i Perandorisë Osmane dhe më pas tri herë kryeministër i Shqipërisë së pavarur.

  4. PËRMETI Turhan pashë (1839–1927). Diplomat i Perandorisë Osmane dhe funksionar i lartë politik i shtetit shqiptar. Lindi në Përmet. Kreu gjimnazin “Zosimea” të Janinës. karrierën politike e filloi si sekretar në Ministrinë e Jashtme në Stamboll; më pas u dërgua ambasador i Perandorisë Osmane në disa vende europiane.

  5. Turhan Pasha Përmeti (19 December 1846 – 18 February 1927) was an Albanian politician and statesman who served as the second prime minister of Albania, serving from March 1914 to September 1914 and from December 1918 to January 1920.

  6. Turhan Pasha, in his speeches, made claims that his government would attach importance to the economy, industry, trade and education. He criticized the Greek policy of portraying the Orthodox Albanian population as greek.

  7. Turhan Përmeti was an Albanian politician and statesman who served as the second prime minister of Albania, serving from March 1914 to September 1914 and from December 1918 to January 1920. He was also in service of the Ottoman state and held the title of Pasha of the Ottoman Empire.