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  1. Isabella II di Borbone, (in spagnolo Isabel II de Borbón) nota anche con il soprannome di la de los Tristes Destinos o la Reina Castiza (Maria Isabella Luisa; Madrid, 10 ottobre 1830 – Parigi, 9 aprile 1904), è stata la prima e finora unica regina regnante di Spagna: Isabella I la Cattolica, infatti, era sovrana di Castiglia ed ...

  2. Il Regno di Isabella II è il periodo della storia contemporanea spagnola compreso tra la morte di Ferdinando VII nel 1833 e il trionfo della Rivoluzione del 1868, che ha costretto la regina all'esilio.

  3. Scopri la vita e la storia di Isabella II di Spagna, nata nel 1830 a Madrid e salita al trono dopo la morte del padre Ferdinando VII. Leggi dei suoi matrimoni, delle sue guerre, dell'esilio e dell'abdicazione.

  4. › wiki › Isabella_IIIsabella II - Wikipedia

    • Birth and Regencies
    • Reign as An Adult
    • Life After Ousting
    • Children
    • Honours
    • Film Portrayal
    • See Also
    • References

    Isabella was born in the Royal Palace of Madrid in 1830, the eldest daughter of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, and of his fourth wife and niece, Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies. She was entrusted to the royal governess María del Carmen Machín y Ortiz de Zárate. Queen Maria Christina became regent on 29 September 1833, when her three-year-old daug...


    Isabella was declared of age and swore the 1837 Constitution on 10 November 1843, age thirteen. Despite the alleged parliamentary supremacy, in practice, the "double trust" led to Isabella having a role in the making and toppling of governments, undermining the progressives. The uneasy alliance between moderates and progressives that had toppled Espartero in July 1843 was already disintegrating by the time of the coming of age of the queen. Following a brief government led by progressive Salu...

    Moderate decade

    Dominated by the figure of Marshal Narváez, the Espadón ("Big Sword") of Loja, the so-called "Moderate decade" began in 1844. The constitutional reforms devised by Narváez moved away from the 1837 Constitution by rejecting national sovereignty and reinforcing the power of the monarch, to the point of a "co-sovereignty" between the Cortes and the Queen. On 10 October 1846, the Moderate Party made their sixteen-year-old queen marry her double-first cousin Francisco de Asís, Duke of Cádiz (1822–...

    Progressive biennium

    Espartero entered the capital of Spain on 28 July, and proceeded to separate again Isabella from the influence of Maria Christina.In any case, though Isabella accepted advice from Maria Christina, she was not characterised for displaying a profound filial love towards her mother. By virtue of a royal decree, Iloilo in the Philippineswas opened to world trade on 29 September 1855, mainly to export sugar and other products to America, Australia and Europe. A Liberal Constitution("the Unborn One...

    Following the crossing of the French–Spanish border by train on 30 September, Isabella and Francisco de Asís spent 5 weeks in the Château de Pau organising their Parisian future, arriving to the French capital on 8 November, settling in the Rue de Rivoli 172. Isabella was forced to renounce to her dynastic rights in Paris in favour of her son, Alfo...

    Isabella had twelve pregnancies,yet only five children reached adulthood: 1. Infanta María Isabel (1851–1931): married her mother's and father's first cousin Prince Gaetan, Count of Girgenti. 2. Alfonso XII of Spain (1857–1885) Future king of Spain. 3. Infanta María del Pilar(1861–1879). 4. Infanta María de la Paz (1862–1946); married her paternal ...

    Spain: Dame of the Order of Queen Maria Luisa, 10 October 1830
    Austria: Knight Grand Cordon with Collar of the Royal Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen
    Austria: Dame of the Order of the Starry Cross, 1st Class
    Brazil: Knight Grand Cordon of the Imperial and Royal Order of Christ

    In the 1997 film Amistad, she was played by Anna Paquin, and is depicted as a spoiled 11-year-old girl.

    Carl Schurz, who was U.S. ambassador to Spain for a brief time at the beginning of Lincoln's presidency, in his Reminiscences(New York, McClure's Publ. Co., 1907, Volume II, Chapter VI) describes I...
    Isabela province in the Philippines.
    Informational notes
  5. Figlia (Madrid 1830 - Parigi 1904) di Ferdinando VII e di Maria Cristina delle Due Sicilie. Successe al padre sotto la reggenza della madre (1833) in virtù della prammatica sanzione che abrogava la legge salica emanata alla sua nascita; contro di lei si schierò lo zio, don Carlos: ebbe inizio la prima guerra carlista conclusasi (1839) con la ...

  6. 10 ott 2020 · Il regno di Isabella II è segnato dall’importante perdita di potere della monarchia a favore del Parlamento. A causa anche della giovane età della regina, non è difficile per le figure che aveva intorno manipolarla.

  7. Isabella II di Borbone, nota anche con il soprannome di la de los Tristes Destinos o la Reina Castiza, è stata la prima e finora unica regina regnante di Spagna: Isabella I la Cattolica, infatti, era sovrana di Castiglia ed Aragona, quando le due corone non erano ancora unite.