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  1. 6 giu 2024 · Julia was the Roman emperor Augustus’ only child, whose scandalous behaviour eventually caused him to exile her. Julia’s mother was Scribonia, who was divorced by Augustus when the child was a few days old. Julia was brought up strictly, her every word and action being watched. After a brief.

  2. › wiki › AugustusAugustus - Wikipedia

    2 giorni fa · The territorial agreement between the triumvirate and Sextus Pompeius began to crumble once Octavian divorced Scribonia and married Livia on 17 January 38 BC. One of Pompeius's naval commanders betrayed him and handed over Corsica and Sardinia to Octavian.

  3. 12 giu 2024 · On the day Julia Augusti was born her father—a mere Octavian back then—saw fit to divorce his second wife, her mother, Scribonia. As grounds for divorce in Rome, a husband could state that in addition to his wife being troublesome, she was also bad in bed; Octavian used both in his divorce decree.

  4. 30 mag 2024 · Livia Drusilla was Caesar Augustuss devoted and influential wife who counseled him on affairs of state and who, in her efforts to secure the imperial succession for her son Tiberius, was reputed to have caused the deaths of many of his rivals, including Marcus Claudius Marcellus, Gaius and Lucius.

  5. 6 giu 2024 · Domina è la serie tv su Sky e NOW in streaming che racconta la storia di Livia Drusilla, moglie di Cesare Augusto, capace di avere una forte influenza sia sulle sorti della Repubblica sia su quelle dell'Impero Romano.

  6. › wiki › ClaudioClaudio - Wikipedia

    3 giorni fa · Nel 47, Pompeo Magno, già promesso sposo di Antonia, fu fatto uccidere, forse perché Messalina temeva un rivale per la propria figlia Ottavia; furono eliminati anche i suoi genitori Marco Calpurnio Crasso Frugi e Scribonia.

  7. 18 giu 2024 · Did you find a black fuzzy caterpillar? Does it look like the one above? If so, you might have a giant leopard moth caterpillar, also known as a great leopard moth or an eyed tiger moth (scientific name: Hypercompe scribonia). Take a look at the other pictures, too, and you'll know for sure.