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  1. The Younger Lady è il nome con cui è informalmente nota una mummia femminile scoperta nella Valle dei Re, nel 1898, da parte dell'archeologo francese Victor Loret. Attraverso esami del DNA, questa mummia è stata identificata come madre del faraone Tutankhamon, figlia di Amenofi III e Tiy, nonché sorella di Akhenaton. È anche ...

  2. The Younger Lady is the informal name given to an ancient Egyptian mummy discovered within tomb KV35 in the Valley of the Kings by archaeologist Victor Loret in 1898. The mummy also has been given the designation KV35YL ("YL" for "Younger Lady") and 61072, and currently resides in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo .

  3. Learn about the mummy of The Younger Lady, who was the mother of Tutankhamun and the sister of KV55, possibly Akhenaten. Discover her identity, her wounds, her tomb, and her likeness by a paleoartist.

  4. 12 feb 2024 · The Younger Lady, di cui non si conosce il nome ma sa con relativa certezza essere la madre di Tutankhamon. Smenkhara, sul quale esiste un forte dibattito riferito all’effettiva parentela con la coppia reale e sul suo eventuale regno post-Akhenaton.

  5. The Younger Lady, also known as KV35YL, was discovered in the Valley of Kings in Luxor, Egypt. Recent DNA testing has indicated that she could have been Sitamen, Isis, Henuttaneb, Nebetah or an unknown daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiye, but she is probably a sister of Akhenaten.

  6. 23 ago 2022 · The Younger Lady is one of the two female mummies found in the tomb of Amenhotep II, along with Tut's grandmother Tiye. She is thought to be Tut's mother, a sister of his father Akhenaten, but her identity is not certain.

  7. 28 mag 2019 · The Younger Lady is the name given to the mummified body of King Tut's mother, who was found in 1898 in the Valley of the Kings. She was married to her brother Akhenaten, had a wound on her face, and may have been Queen Nefertiti or Kiya.