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  1. › wiki › Diogo_GomesDiogo Gomes - Wikipedia

    Diogo Gomes was a servant and explorer of Portuguese prince Henry the Navigator. His memoirs were dictated late in his life to Martin Behaim. They are an invaluable (if sometimes inconsistent) account of the Portuguese discoveries under Henry the Navigator, and one of the principal sources upon which historians of the era have drawn.

  2. Diogo Gomes (c. 1402-1420? – c. 1502), também referido como Diogo Gomes de Sintra, foi um navegador e explorador português do século XV mais conhecido por sua exploração do estuário do rio Gâmbia e sua alegação de ter descoberto a ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde.

  3. Gomes, Diogo nell'Enciclopedia Treccani - Treccani - Treccani. Navigatore portoghese (15º sec.). Al servizio di Enrico il Navigatore, costeggiò nel 1457 la Guinea e risalì un tratto del f.

  4. Diogo Gomes was a Portuguese explorer sent by Prince Henry the Navigator to investigate the West African coast about 1456. Gomes sailed south beyond the Gêba River, now in Guinea-Bissau, and on the return trip ascended the Gambia River to the town of Cantor (now Kuntaur, Gambia), where he met men.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. Diogo Gomes. 1440-1482. Portuguese navigator who sailed the west coast of Africa exploring and establishing trading relationships with the Africans. He sailed up the Gambia River in 1458 and traded with the leader of the region.

  6. Diogo Gomes is Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS), and from 2018 also Chair of the AMCS Program. Gomes' research interests are in partial differential equations (PDE), namely on viscosity solutions of elliptic, parabolic and Hamilton-Jacobi equations as well as in related mean-field models.

  7. — Di questo navigatore portoghese non fanno menzione gli storici che trattarono delle memorabili navigazioni del secolo XV: solo esiste una relazione in una raccolta di manoscritti, fatta tra il 1495 e il 1507 da Valentino Fernandez ed esistente in Monaco di Baviera, in cui Diogo Gomes racconta di due viaggi da lui fatti alla costa ...