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  1. › wiki › AppeasementAppeasement - Wikipedia

    Nella diplomazia internazionale, per appeasement si intende la politica di fare concessioni politiche, materiali o territoriali a una potenza aggressiva nell'intento di evitare un conflitto. Il termine si riferisce principalmente all'atteggiamento adottato negli anni 1930 dal Regno Unito nei confronti della Germania nazista. In ...

  2. 4 ago 2023 · It involves making concessions to an aggressive foreign power in order to avoid war. It is most commonly associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in office from 1937 to 1940. In the 1930s, the British government pursued a policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany.

  3. › wiki › AppeasementAppeasement - Wikipedia

    Appeasement. Adolf Hitler greets British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain at the beginning of the Bad Godesberg meeting on 24 September 1938 in which Hitler demanded annexation of Czech border areas without delay, leading to the Godesberg Memorandum. Conflict resolution. Nonviolence. Arbitration. Auction. Conciliation. Law. Dispute resolution.

  4. At a Cabinet meeting on 8 September 1937, Chamberlain indicated that he saw "the lessening of the tension between this country and Italy as a very valuable contribution toward the pacification and appeasement of Europe" which would "weaken the Rome–Berlin axis."

  5. The European foreign policy of the Chamberlain ministry from 1937 to 1940 was based on British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's commitment to "peace for our time" by pursuing a policy of appeasement and containment towards Nazi Germany and by increasing the strength of Britain's armed forces until, in September 1939, he delivered ...

  6. Chamberlain died in November 1940; however he continued to be vilified for appeasement in general and for his actions in September 1938 in particular long after his death and the conclusion of...