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  1. The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The 2024 Calls for proposals are now open. Apply here.

  2. The LIFE programme aims to facilitate the shift towards a sustainable, circular, energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and resilient economy protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment, including the air, water and soil

    • Objectives
    • What Type of Hydrogen Related Actions Can Be Funded
    • Details
    • Specific Websites
    • Example (S) of Selected Projects

    The LIFE programme 2021-2027 is the only EU funding programme entirely dedicated to environmental, climate and energy objectives. It contributes to the shift towards a clean, circular, energy efficient, climate-neutral and climate-resilient economy, including through the transition to clean energy, to protect and improve the quality of the environm...

    LIFE would be available to fund hydrogen-related projects. Financial allocation is addressed to actions aiming at clean energy transition, development of best practices, coordination and capacity building; support to the implementation of climate plans developed at regional, multiregional and national levels. LIFE sub-programme clean energy transit...

    Financing details

    LIFE has a total financial envelope of €5.43 billion (in current prices) for the period 2021-2027, with €1.94 billion reserved for the field of climate action. The climate action field, which is the relevant financial envelope for hydrogen-related projects, is subdivided into €947 million for the sub-programme 'Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation’, and €997 million for the sub-programme 'Clean Energy Transition'. The types of hydrogen projects that can apply for LIFE Programme grants are...

    Conditions for application

    The conditions and legal basisare set out in the LIFE multiannual work programme 2021-2024. Calls for proposals are published at LIFE - Calls for proposals ( While the regulation sets the general principles of awarding criteria, the specific award criteria are included in the LIFE multiannual work programme. The first multiannual work programme runs from 2021 to 2024, the second until 2027. These work programmes set out the activities for each sub-programme, the types of projects a...

    How to apply and when

    The latest information on the publication dates of the calls for proposals is published on the LIFE website under ‘calls for proposals’. All LIFE calls for proposals will be published on the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders portal, which also contains all relevant information on the legislation and rules for participation, templates for proposals and project reporting.

    LIFE Programme (European Commission) LIFE - Calls for proposals Calls for proposals in Environment and Climate Action National contact points Past history of the LIFE programme Environment - LIFE: About LIFE (

    Some projects have come up with cutting-edge technologies, while others have focused on developing consumer products. Yet they all have one thing in common: delivering innovative solutions for improving Europe’s environment, climate, economy and society. Examples of finalised close-to-market LIFE projects ( LIFE 3.0 - LIFE Project Public ...

  3. 12 mar 2024 · Il programma LIFE svolge un ruolo essenziale nel sostenere lo sviluppo, l’attuazione e l’aggiornamento delle politiche e della legislazione dell’Unione in materia di ambiente, comprese quelle per la natura e la biodiversità, ed in materia di azione per il clima, attraverso il finanziamento di progetti di varie dimensioni, che ...

  4. 21 apr 2021 · LIFE è l'unico programma a livello europeo dedicato esclusivamente all'ambiente e al clima e, secondo la pianificazione prevista per il periodo 2021-27, è diventato il più ambizioso fra quelli presenti: €3,5 miliardi destinati alle attività ambientali e €1,9 miliardi all'azione climatica.

  5. 28 giu 2021 · Il programma LIFE è l’unico programma dell’Unione europea (Unione) dedicato in maniera specifica all’ambiente e all’azione per il clima.