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  1. › wiki › AthensAthens - Wikipedia

    Classical Athens was one of the most powerful city-states in ancient Greece. It was a centre for democracy, the arts, education and philosophy, [12] [13] and was highly influential throughout the European continent, particularly in Ancient Rome. [14] .

  2. › wiki › AthenAthen – Wikipedia

    Athen ist die bevölkerungsreichste und flächengrößte Stadt des Landes. Die Gemeinde Athen im Zentrum des gleichnamigen Ballungsraums ist mit einer Fläche von etwa 39 km² dabei relativ klein.

  3. › wiki › AteneAtene - Wikipedia

    Atene ( AFI: /aˈtɛne/ [2]; in greco Αθήνα?, Athīna; in greco antico: Ἀθῆναι?, Athḕnai) [3] è un comune greco di 655 780 abitanti, [1] capitale della Repubblica Ellenica, capoluogo dell' unità periferica di Atene Centrale e della periferia dell'Attica .

  4. › wiki › AthénAthén – Wikipédia

    Athén az Attikai -síkságon terül el, amelynek peremeit kopár hegyek szegélyezik, nyugaton az alacsony Egaleosz (468 m), keleten az 1000 m-nél is magasabb Imítosz, észak-északkeleten az egybefüggő Párnisz (1413 m) és Pendelikon (1109 m) hegység. A síkságot délnyugati oldalon az Égei-tenger Szaronikosz öble határolja.

  5. Atene fu una città-stato, la prima nella storia dell'umanità ad adottare un sistema politico democratico. È considerata inoltre la culla del teatro, della filosofia, della storiografia, della pedagogia e della politica, intesa come partecipazione attiva dei cittadini.

  6. Athens is one of the oldest named cities in the world, having been continuously inhabited for perhaps 5,000 years. Situated in southern Europe, Athens became the leading city of Ancient Greece in the first millennium BC, and its cultural achievements during the 5th century BC laid the foundations of Western civilization .

  7. Primitive Acropolis with the Pelargicon and the Old Temple of Athena. Elevation view of a proposed reconstruction of the Old Temple of Athena. Built around 525 BC, it stood between the Parthenon and the Erechtheum. Fragments of the sculptures in its pediments are in the Acropolis Museum.