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  1. Le Film d'Art è stata una casa di produzione cinematografica francese attiva agli inizi del XX secolo.

  2. Le Film d'art est une société de production française fondée en 1908. Une société portant le même nom est constituée en 2009 [1] par Jérôme Diamant-Berger, petit-fils d'Henri Diamant-Berger.

  3. › wiki › Film_d'artFilm d'art - Wikipedia

    • History
    • Deviations from Mainstream Film Norms
    • Art Film and Film Criticism
    • Timeline of Notable Films
    • Criticism
    • Related Concepts
    • In Popular Media
    • External Links

    Antecedents: 1910–1920s

    The forerunners of art films include Italian silent film L'Inferno (1911), D. W. Griffith's Intolerance (1916) and the works of Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein, who influenced the development of European cinema movements for decades. Eisenstein's film Battleship Potemkin (1925) was a revolutionary propaganda film he used to test his theories of using film editing to produce the greatest emotional response from an audience. The international critical renown that Eisenstein garnered from th...


    In the 1930s and 1940s, Hollywood films could be divided into the artistic aspirations of literary adaptations like John Ford's The Informer (1935) and Eugene O'Neill's The Long Voyage Home (1940), and the money-making "popular-genre films" such as gangster thrillers. William Siska argues that Italian neorealist films from the mid-to-late 1940s, such as Open City (1945), Paisa (1946), and Bicycle Thievescan be deemed as another "conscious art film movement". In the late 1940s, the U.S. public...


    The French New Wave movement continued into the 1960s. During the 1960s, the term "art film" began to be much more widely used in the United States than in Europe. In the U.S., the term is often defined very broadly to include foreign-language (non-English) "auteur" films, independent films, experimental films, documentaries and short films. In the 1960s, "art film" became a euphemism in the U.S. for racy Italian and French B-movies. By the 1970s, the term was used to describe sexually explic...

    Film scholar David Bordwell outlined the academic definition of "art film" in a 1979 article entitled "The Art Cinema as a Mode of Film Practice", which contrasts art films with the mainstream films of classical Hollywood cinema. Mainstream Hollywood-style films use a clear narrative form to organize the film into a series of "causally related even...

    There are scholars who point out that mass market films such as those produced in Hollywood appeal to a less discerning audience. This group then turns to film critics as a cultural elite that can help steer them towards films that are more thoughtful and of a higher quality. To bridge the disconnect between popular taste and high culture, these fi...

    The following list is a small, partial sample of films with "art film" qualities, compiled to give a general sense of what directors and films are considered to have "art film" characteristics. The films in this list demonstrate one or more of the characteristics of art films: a serious, non-commercial, or independently made film that is not aimed ...

    Criticisms of art films include being too pretentious and self-indulgent for mainstream audiences. LA Weekly film critic Michael Nordine cited the films Gummo (1997) as being an "art-house exploitation flick" and Amores Perros (2000) exemplifying "the art-house stereotype of featuring more dead dogs than Where the Red Fern Growsand every other book...

    Artistic television

    Quality artistic television, a television genre or style which shares some of the same traits as art films, has been identified. Television shows, such as David Lynch's Twin Peaks and the BBC's The Singing Detective, also have "a loosening of causality, a greater emphasis on psychological or anecdotal realism, violations of classical clarity of space and time, explicit authorial comment, and ambiguity". As with much of Lynch's other work (notably the film Blue Velvet), Twin Peaks explores the...

    Art films have been part of popular culture from animated sitcoms like The Simpsons and Clone High spoofing and satirizing them to even the comedic film review webseries Brows Held High(hosted by Kyle Kallgren).

  4. Un film d'art, ou film d'art et essai, est généralement un film indépendant, destiné à un marché de niche plutôt qu'à un public de masse 1. Il est « destiné à être une œuvre artistique sérieuse, souvent expérimentale et non conçue pour un attrait de masse », « réalisée principalement pour des raisons esthétiques ...

  5. Fra gli elementi distintivi di un film d'arte vi sono il marcato realismo sociale, la forte espressività da parte del regista e un'analisi approfondita dei pensieri, i sogni o le esigenze dei personaggi, che va a discapito di una trama lineare.

  6. Le Film d'Art è stata una casa di produzione cinematografica francese attiva agli inizi del XX secolo.

  7. La Film d'Arte Italiana, precedentemente conosciuta come Società Anonima Italiana per Film d'Arte, fu una casa di produzione cinematografica italiana attiva agli inizi del XX secolo.