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  1. A viral envelope is the outermost layer of many types of viruses. It protects the genetic material in their life cycle when traveling between host cells. Not all viruses have envelopes.

  2. › wiki › PericapsidePericapside - Wikipedia

    Il pericapside o peplos (detto anche involucro, envelope in inglese) è lo strato più esterno che ricopre alcuni tipi di virus. È posto esternamente al capside ed è composto da un doppio strato di fosfolipidi, intervallati da numerose glicoproteine; tra il pericapside e il capside si interpongono le proteine virus-specifiche della ...

  3. A viral envelope is the outermost layer of a virus. It protects the virus when it moves between host cells as part of its life-cycle. Not all viruses have envelopes. The envelopes are made from parts of the host cell membranes (phospholipids and proteins), but include some viral glycoproteins. They may help viruses avoid the host ...

  4. The capsid of some viruses are enclosed in a membrane called the viral envelope. In most cases, the viral envelope is obtained by the capsid from the host cell's plasma membrane when a virus leaves its host cell through a process called budding.

  5. › wiki › Env_(gene)Env (gene) - Wikipedia

    Env is a viral gene that encodes the protein forming the viral envelope. The expression of the env gene enables retroviruses to target and attach to specific cell types, and to infiltrate the target cell membrane .

  6. › wiki › PoliovirusPoliovirus - Wikipedia

    A causa del genoma corto e della struttura semplice —genoma a RNA, assenza di envelope, simmetria icosaedrica delle proteine del capside— è stato ampiamente riconosciuto come il più semplice dei virus con importanza patologica. Il primo poliovirus è stato isolato nel 1909 da Karl Landsteiner e Erwin Popper.

  7. The spherical virus particles of Matonaviridae have a diameter of 50 to 70 nm and are covered by a lipid membrane (viral envelope), derived from the host cell membrane. There are prominent "spikes" (projections) of 6 nm composed of the viral envelope proteins E1 and E2 embedded in the membrane.