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  1. › wiki › NagarjunaNagarjuna - Wikipedia

    Nāgārjuna [c. 150 – c. 250 CE (disputed)] was an Indian Mahāyāna Buddhist philosopher monk of the Madhyamaka (Centrism, Middle Way) school. He is widely considered one of the most important Buddhist philosophers. Jan Westerhoff considers him to be "one of the greatest thinkers in the history of Asian philosophy."

  2. Nāgārjuna è stato un monaco indiano, vissuto probabilmente nel II secolo dopo Cristo. Pensatore originale e assai influente, per molti secoli, è considerato il più importante filosofo buddhista, dopo lo stesso Buddha storico.

  3. 10 feb 2010 · There is unanimous agreement that Nāgārjuna (ca 150–250 CE) is the most important Buddhist philosopher after the historical Buddha himself and one of the most original and influential thinkers in the history of Indian philosophy.

  4. › wiki › NāgārjunaNāgārjuna - Wikipedia

    Nāgārjuna è stato un monaco buddhista indiano, filosofo e fondatore della scuola dei Mādhyamika e patriarca delle scuole Mahāyāna.

  5. Nagarjuna (flourished 2nd century ce) was an Indian Buddhist philosopher who articulated the doctrine of emptiness ( shunyata) and is traditionally regarded as the founder of the Madhyamika (“Middle Way”) school, an important tradition of Mahayana Buddhist philosophy.

  6. Nagarjuna (c. 150—c. 250) Often referred to as “the second Buddha” by Tibetan and East Asian Mahayana (Great Vehicle) traditions of Buddhism, Nagarjuna offered sharp criticisms of Brahminical and Buddhist substantialist philosophy, theory of knowledge, and approaches to practice. Nagarjunas philosophy represents something of a ...

  7. Metodo dialettico. Per mostrare che ogni ente, compresi i dharma, è privo di natura propria ( svabhāva) e quindi vuoto ( śūnya ), N. mostra le aporie logiche cui l’ipotesi contraria condurrebbe.