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  1. 24 giu 2023 · Ci sono due modi per farlo in inglese, utilizzando un gerundio (un verbo che termina con -ing) o un infinito (un verbo con to). Ma come sapere quale utilizzare? In questo post esamineremo i verbi con to e i verbi con -ing in inglese.

  2. Both sentences are correct. They have a different meaning. “Try to” implies that the action that is attempted may or may not succeed. Try to give up candy; maybe you will succeed in refraining from eating candy, or maybe you will succumb to the temptation and eat candy anyway.

  3. Try + -ing means that you are trying something as an experiment, especially as a possible solution to a problem, to see if it works or not. Have you tried turning the computer off and on again? Try + to + infinitive means that something is difficult but you are making an effort to do it.

  4. Hate, like, love and prefer can be followed either by -ing or a to-infinitive. The difference in meaning is often small. The -ing form emphasises the verb itself. The to-infinitive puts the emphasis more on the preference for, or the results of, the action.

  5. 26 gen 2019 · TRY • Con to + infinito indica qualcosa che si è tentato di fare, un tentativo (il successo o il fallimento dell’azione non conta). I tried not to help him. / Ho provato a non aiutarlo. • Con verbo in -ing indica un’esperimento o una nuova esperienza. I’ll try experimenting a little bit. / Proverò a sperimentare un po ...

  6. 16 gen 2024 · Do you know when to use -ing and when to use to + infinitive after a verb? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.

  7. Try + to + infinitive. This is when the thing you do itself is difficult. In the present tense or future tense, this means you might not succeed in doing it. In the past tense, it means that you made an effort to do the thing, but you did not succeed. I'll try to carry the suitcase, but it looks too heavy for me.