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  1. This is the official site for Keio Yochisha Elementary School, providing information about Yochisha’s educational features, and information on enrollment.

  2. Keio Yochisha, one of the oldest private elementary schools in Japan, is celebrating its 150th Anniversary in 2024. Moving forward, we hope to build on this legacy through the cooperative spirit that characterizes Keio, making history and leaving behind traditions for future generations.

  3. 慶應義塾幼稚舎は日本で最も古い私立小学校の一つです。 2024年に創立150周年を迎えました。 更に将来に向けて、慶應義塾全体での協力の精神が新たな歴史と伝統を築きます。 幼稚舎の歴史. 慶應義塾には幼稚舎ができる以前に「童子寮」という12歳から16歳の者を預かる寄宿舎がありました。 四男五女の子福者であった福澤諭吉は、その教育に深く心をとめ、「童子寮」よりも年少の子どもたちを安心して任せられる適任の教員の必要性を感じていました。 Read More. 舎長より. 幼稚舎の教育理念は、校歌の『幼稚舎の歌』に歌われている、子どもたちが「福澤先生の教えを身に行う」ということ、すなわち「独立自尊」を実践できる人材を育成することです。 Read More. 施設紹介.

  4. Keio Yochisha Elementary School Cultivating an Independent Spirit Through Work and Play Dating back to 1874 when founder Yukichi Fukuzawa commissioned his student Yoshiro Wada to establish an elementary school, this school celebrated its 125th anniversary in 1999.

  5. Primary and Secondary Education. Together with Keio Yochisha Elementary School, Keio Yokohama Elementary School is the starting point of Keio's integrated education from the age of 6 until university and graduate schools.

  6. According to written records, long-distance swimming at Keio Yochisha Elementary School started around 1893, with a one-month swimming camp held around the beaches of Kamakura and Kanazawa.

  7. At Keio Gijuku, students of different ages were all studying together at first, but a system of education divided by age was gradually developed. In 1868, a children's dormitory was created for junior boarders, and in 1874 Keio Yochisha Elementary School was established.