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  1. Gaston II of Foix-Béarn (1308 – September 1343), son of Gaston I of Foix-Béarn and Jeanne of Artois, was the 10th Count of Foix. In 1315, after the death of his father Gaston I, he became Count of Foix, and Viscount of Béarn, Marsan, Gabardan, Nébouzan

  2. Gaston III, known as Gaston Phoebus or Fébus (30 April 1331 – 1 August 1391), was the eleventh Count of Foix (as Gaston III) and twenty-fourth Viscount of Béarn (as Gaston X) from 1343 until his death.

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    Gastone, sia secondo Pierre de Guibours, detto Père Anselme de Sainte-Marie o più brevemente Père Anselme, che secondo la Chroniques romanes des comtes de Foix era il figlio maschio primogenito del conte di Foix, Visconte di Castelbon, Coprincipe di Andorra, Visconte consorte di Béarn e Visconte di Marsan, Gastone I e della moglie, Giovanna d'Artoi...

    Chiamato, nel 1315, dal nuovo re di Francia Luigi X l'Attaccabrighe per intraprendere una nuova guerra in Fiandra, suo padre, Gastone I, cadde malato nei pressi di Pontoise e morì a 28 anni nell'abbazia di Maubuisson, e fu sepolto nell'Abbazia di Boulbonne; mentre secondo il E floribus chronicorum auctore Bernardo Guidonis, Gastone conte di Foix e ...

    Gastone aveva sposato nel 1328 la cugina Leonora di Cominges, figlia del conte Bernardo VII di Comminges e Laura di Monfort, come risulta dall'estratto del Mars MCCCXCVI della Histoire généalogique de la maison d'Auvergne; Leonora fu reggente per conto del figlio, Gastone Febo, come ci conferma il documento n° XXXVII della Preuves de l'Histoire gén...

    Fonti primarie

    1. (LA) Documents des archives de la Chambre des Comptes de Navarre : 1196-1384. 2. (LA) Histoire générale de Languedoc, tome VII. 3. (LA) Histoire générale de Languedoc, tome X, Notes. 4. (LA) Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. Tome 20. 5. (LA) Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. Tome 21. 6. (LA) Annales Londonienses. 7. (FR) Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France, tomus III. 8. (OC, FR) Chroniques romanes des comtes de Foix.

    Letteratura storiografica

    1. (FR) Michelet, J, (1971) Histoire de France, tome IV. 2. (FR) Revue historique, scientifique et littéraire du Tarn. 3. (FR) Histoire généalogique de la maison d'Auvergne.

    (EN) Conti di Foix- GASTON II "le Preux" de Foix, su, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. URL consultato l'11 novembre 2018.
    (EN) Conti di Foix- GASTON II "le Preux" de Foix, su, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. URL consultato l'11 novembre 2018.
    (EN) Foix 2-Gaston II, su, Genealogy. URL consultato l'11 novembre 2018.
    (FR) Histoire des comtes de Foix, su URL consultato il 22 marzo 2013 (archiviato dall'url originale il 10 maggio 2013).
  3. Count of Foix. The Count of Foix ruled the County of Foix, in what is now Southern France, during the Middle Ages. The House of Foix eventually extended its power across the Pyrenees mountain range, joining the House of Bearn and moving their court to Pau in Béarn. Count Francis Phoebus became King of Navarre in 1479.

  4. Gaston de Foix (1448 – 25 March 1500), Earl of Kendal and Count of Benauges, was a French nobleman in the last decades of the Middle Ages. He was a cadet member of the important Foix family in Southern France.

  5. Gaston II of Foix-Béarn (1308 – September 1343), son of Gaston I of Foix-Béarn and Jeanne of Artois, was the 10th Count of Foix. In 1315, after the death of his father Gaston I, he became Count of Foix, and Viscount of Béarn, Marsan, Gabardan, Nébouzan and Lautrec under the regency of his mother, Jeanne of Artois.

  6. Gaston I of Foix or Gaston VIII of Foix-Béarn (1287 – 13 December 1315 in Maubuisson) was the 9th Count of Foix, the 22nd Viscount of Béarn and Co-Prince of Andorra .