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  1. Il Pontificio Seminario Romano Maggiore è il seminario diocesano di Roma nel quale si formano quei giovani che si preparano al sacerdozio, appartenenti alla diocesi di Roma o provenienti da molte altre diocesi in Italia e nel mondo. Dal 4 luglio 2023 il rettore è il vescovo Michele Di Tolve .

  2. The Pontifical Roman Major Seminary (Italian: Pontificio Seminario Romano Maggiore) is the major seminary of the Diocese of Rome. It is located at the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. Since 2017, the rector of the seminary has been Gabriele Faraghini, a priest of the Little Brothers of Jesus Caritas.

  3. On May 6, 1932, a decree of the Roman Congregation for Seminaries and Universities officially recognizes the college as a pontifical institution. As of 2016 the college hosts about twenty student priests who study in numerous institutions, such as the Gregorian University, the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and the Lateran University.

  4. A pontifical university is a Catholic university established by and directly under the authority of the Holy See. It is licensed to grant academic degrees in sacred faculties, the most important of which are theology, canon law, and philosophy. Pontifical universities follow a European system of degrees in the sacred faculties ...

  5. Il Pontificio seminario romano dei santi apostoli Pietro e Paolo per le missioni estere è stato un istituto missionario fondato dal sacerdote romano Pietro Avanzini il 23 dicembre 1871. L'istituto, dipendente direttamente dal papa tramite un cardinale presidente da lui designato, ottenne l'approvazione pontificia da papa Pio IX il ...

  6. › wiki › SeminarySeminary - Wikipedia

    Further, in Rome there are several seminaries which educate seminarians or already ordained priests and bishops and which are maintained by orders or dioceses from outside of Italy. Many countries have their own pontifical seminary in Italy, usually very close to the Vatican.

  7. The Pontifical North American College (NAC) is a Roman Catholic educational institution in Rome, Italy, that prepares seminarians to become priests in the United States and elsewhere. The NAC also provides a residence for priests who are pursuing graduate work at other pontifical universities in Rome.