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  1. Il political hip hop (o political rap) è un sottogenere della musica hip hop, simile al conscious hip hop, dal quale è derivato. Diversamente dal genere conscious, che tratta più specificamente problemi sociali, gli artisti del political rap, mossi da un senso di giustizia, trattano esplicitamente temi di politica .

  2. 8 ago 2023 · Se l’album The Score dei Fugees debuttò direttamente alla numero 1 delle classifiche americane, dimostrando che il rap dei primi anni ’90 era ancora sulla cresta dell’onda, il fatale agguato a Tupac Shakur (che anticiperà quello a Notorious B.I.G. del 1997) spense la stella più brillante nel firmamento rap e avviò la fase successiva di questo genere musicale, dominata dal talento di ...

    • “White America” by Eminem
    • “Azadi” by Divine
    • “Ah Yeah” – KRS-One
    • “Impeach The President” by Immortal Technique
    • “Good Kid” by Kendrick Lamar
    • “Reagan” – Killer Mike
    • “Mathematics” by Mos Def
    • “Changes” by 2Pac
    • “12 Problems” by Rapsody
    • “The Proud” by Talib Kweli

    Released in 2002, “White America” is a political rap song by Eminem that addresses the hypocrisy of anti-American sentiment as well as racism in the United States. The song focuses on many topics such as race privilege, freedom of speech, and immigration policies, using metaphors and references to art, film, and pop culture to illustrate his point....

    Divine’s 2020 song ‘Azadi’ is a revolution-defining anthem that tells the story of the fight against communal and systemic oppression. This powerful track combines Divine’s sharp flow with bubbling beats, driving melodies, and samples of protest marches, as Divine’s awe-inspiring lyricism leads the listeners through every verse. Azadi translates to...

    Krs-One is an artist known for his political songs, most notably “Ah Yeah”. This powerful rap song focuses on social and economic disparities faced by many members of society. With lyrics like “It’s a shame what I see going on”, Krs-One powerfully conveys the importance of addressing issues of inequality and injustice. He encourages listeners to ta...

    The iconic political hip-hop song“Impeach the President” by Immortal Technique is a scathing critique of government corruption and social injustice. The lyrics paint a bleak picture of the state of society and urge listeners to take action. The song has become a well-known rallying cry for oppressed communities around the world, inspiring people to...

    ‘Good Kid’ by Kendrick Lamar is a rap song that tackles political issues such as gun violence, poverty, and racism. The song was released as part of Lamar’s critically acclaimed album “Good Kid, M.A.A.D City” and has since become an anthem for social and political awareness in the rap community. The track features powerful lyrics paired with a soul...

    The song “Reagan” by Killer Mike tackles politics past and present. The song speaks to Ronald Reagan’s time in office and his policies of ignoring the struggles of people of color while turning a blind eye to economic inequality in America. In the lyrics, Killer Mike details how Reagan-era economical policy catalyzed rising income disparity that co...

    Mos Def’s iconic rap song, “Mathematics,” was released in 1998 and serves as a powerful political and social commentary. The track examines issues of race, class inequality, and police brutality, galvanizing audiences with strong messaging and powerful beats. Mos Def’s timeless lyrics speak to the power of knowledge in our society, urging listeners...

    “Changes” by 2Pac is an iconic hip-hop song in which he talks about racism, poverty, and injustice. He expresses his fear and pain of growing up in a world of violence, citing the Los Angeles riots of 1992 as an emotional turning point for him. Through the song’s powerful combination of words and subtle musical components, 2Pac makes a strong socia...

    The song entitled “12 Problems” by the female MC Rapsody is an example of a popular political rap song that speaks to the everyday struggles of society. This socially conscious rap addresses real issues in a musical format, making it both entertaining and informative. The song features powerful lyrics and gives listeners insight into the thoughts a...

    Talib Kweli’s song, “The Proud” is a powerful political rap song about the struggles of marginalized communities. The artist takes inspiration from religion and his own experiences to draw attention to systemic racism and inequality, ultimately calling for action from listeners. With a combination of crushing beats and thought-provoking lyrics, the...

  3. Il rap è un genere musicale nato negli Stati Uniti d’America verso la fine degli anni ’60, è oggi la tecnica di musica più popolare e distintiva al mondo.

    • Musica classica. Sebbene il termine musica classica comprenda numerosi sottogeneri, questo è il nome dato alle grandi composizioni create nel periodo compreso tra il XVII, il XVIII e l'inizio del XIX secolo, con le opere più grandi che emergono da geni musicali come Wagner, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach e Chopin.
    • Jazz. Il suono innovativo della musica jazz irrompe sulla scena degli Stati Uniti alla fine del XIX secolo, soprattutto in città come New Orleans. È una musica accattivante ed eclettica, ma con una propria identità.
    • Blues. Strettamente legato al jazz (alcuni lo considerano il suo predecessore), il blues affonda le sue radici nella musica africana portata negli Stati Uniti dagli schiavi.
    • Gospel. Il gospel fa parte della musica religiosa (un genere a sé stante), ma ha poco a che fare con i canti gregoriani di un convento. Questa musica spirituale e afroamericana ha raggiunto la sua massima espressione a metà del XX secolo, grazie ai cori delle chiese protestanti o evangeliche.
  4. 29 nov 2023 · 29/11/2023. «Fare rap è una cosa, fare politica è un’altra. Io provo a fare politica con la presenza; la persona va oltre i testi. In America il rap è stato necessario per far confrontare l’opinione pubblica d’oltreoceano su certe tematiche, in Italia questo non serve. L’artista è una persona, e come tale è complesso.

  5. 19 apr 2024 · Storia del genere hip hop negli Stati Uniti. Musica Hip Hop e Rap negli USA: storia e cultura del genere. Aprile 19, 2024 / Viaggi-USA. L ‘hip hop rappresenta l’espressione più diffusa della comunità afro-americana negli ultimi decenni.