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  1. The early Cyrillic alphabet was developed in the 9th century AD and replaced the earlier Glagolitic script developed by the theologians Cyril and Methodius. It is the basis of alphabets used in various languages, past and present, Slavic origin, and non-Slavic languages influenced by Russian.

  2. Today, many languages in the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and northern Eurasia are written in Cyrillic alphabets. Letters. Cyrillic script spread throughout the East Slavic and some South Slavic territories, being adopted for writing local languages, such as Old East Slavic.

  3. L' alfabeto cirillico è l'alfabeto usato per scrivere varie lingue slave (il russo, l' ucraino, il bielorusso, il bulgaro, il macedone, il serbo, il ruteno, il bosniaco e il montenegrino) e lingue non slave parlate in alcune delle ex repubbliche sovietiche come il kazako, l' uzbeco, il kirghiso, il turkmeno, il tagico e altre lingue ancora come ...