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  1. The House of Zähringen (German: Zähringer) was a dynasty of Swabian nobility. The family's name derived from Zähringen Castle near Freiburg im Breisgau. The Zähringer in the 12th century used the title of Duke of Zähringen, in compensation for having conceded the title of Duke of Swabia to the Staufer in 1098.

  2. › wiki › ZähringenZähringen - Wikipedia

    Zähringen è un'antica e influente famiglia nobile tedesca, che si originò dal castello e dal villaggio omonimo. Zähringen oggi è parte della città di Friburgo in Brisgovia, che i duchi fondarono nel 1120.

  3. The Zähringer became a powerful ducal dynasty in the area of what is now South Germany and Switzerland in the high medieval period and the founder of several cities, including Freiburg im Breisgau, Villingen, Neuenburg, Freiburg im Üechtland, Bern, Thun, Rheinfelden and Murten.

  4. The House of Zähringen ruled in Baden, which now composes part of the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany

  5. Clemenzia di Zähringen (... – 1173 circa) fu duchessa consorte di Sassonia dal 1147 e di Baviera dal 1156 fino al 1162 e poi contessa consorte di Savoia, dal 1164 alla sua morte.

  6. Life. He was the elder son of Rudolf VI and Matilda of Sponheim. He and his brother Rudolf VII concluded an inheritance contract in 1380, according to which the margraviate might be divided only among male descendants for two generations.

  7. The House of Zähringen was a dynasty of Swabian nobility. The family's name derived from Zähringen Castle near Freiburg im Breisgau. The Zähringer in the 12th century used the title of Duke of Zähringen, in compensation for having conceded the title of Duke of Swabia to the Staufer in 1098.