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  1. dartmouth .edu. 位置. 达特茅斯学院 (英語: Dartmouth College / ˈdɑːrtməθ / DART-məth ),是一座位于 美国 东北部 新罕布什尔州 汉诺威 鎮的一所 私立大学 ,是 常春藤聯盟 成員。. 该校建于1769年,是美国的9所 殖民地学院 之一。. 它的校區坐落在 康涅狄格河 河谷 ...

  2. 達特茅斯學院 (英語: Dartmouth College / ˈdɑːrtməθ / DART-məth ),是一座位於 美國 東北部 新罕布夏州 漢諾瓦 鎮的一所 私立大學 ,是 常春藤聯盟 成員。. 該校建於1769年,是美國的9所 殖民地學院 之一。. 它的校區坐落在 康乃狄克河 河谷之中。. 數百年來培育 ...

  3. At Dartmouth, education happens not only within traditional academic departments, but also at the intersections between them. Explore over 40 departments and interdisciplinary programs of the Faculty of Arts and Scienceslisted below. Additionally, the Geisel School of Medicine’s departments cover basic science and clinical fields, Thayer ...

  4. All QuestBridge Finalists, regardless of participating in the National College Match, can use their QuestBridge application in the Early and Regular Decision programs at Dartmouth College. If you apply to the National College Match, feel free to check out our resources and our FAQs. You can also find this information on Dartmouth's QuestBridge ...

  5. ダートマス大学 ( 英語: Dartmouth College )は、 アメリカ合衆国 ニューハンプシャー州 ハノーバー 町に本部を置く アメリカ合衆国 の 私立大学 。. 1769年 創立、 1769年 大学設置。. キャンパス風景. アイビー・リーグ 8校の中では学生数が6000人弱ともっとも小 ...

  6. Dartmouth College is a private research university located in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States of America. Founded in 1769, it is a member of the Ivy League and offers undergraduate, graduate, and research programs spanning more than 60 disciplines.

  7. Nel 1956 si tiene la conferenza. Il luogo è il Dartmouth College. L’evento, dal nome “Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence” segna ufficialmente la data di inizio degli studi sull’argomento. Da quel momento, si potrebbe dire con una locuzione comune, niente sarebbe stato più lo stesso.