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  1. 1. the state or appearance of being convinced. 2. a fixed or firmly held belief, opinion, etc. 3. the act of convincing. 4. the act or an instance of convicting or the state of being convicted.

  2. Expressions avec conviction. Conviction délirante, certitude absolue non accessible à la critique du jugement ou de l'évidence. Intime conviction, sentiment personnel du juge ou du juré dégagé de l'examen des preuves de l'accusation et des arguments de la défense, et qui le conduit à statuer ou à prendre position, en son âme et conscience.

  3. | 山梨最大級ライブハウス | 甲府CONVICTION | レンタルスタジオ || 音響レンタル| レコーディングスタジオ|【PICK UP イベント】2024年6月29日(土)The sound of the soul is the b

  4. convictionとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 CU(…のかどで)有罪宣告をされること,有罪判決≪for≫a first [previous] conviction初犯[前科]a summary conviction(陪審を置かない)即決判決a conviction for drunken driving酔っぱらい運転の有罪判決1a U((まれ))罪の自覚,悔悟かいご2 UC(…との)確信,信念≪that節,of≫in [under ...

  5. conviction. 名詞. 1. 刑事訴訟 に おける 最終的な 有罪の判決 とその 刑罰. (a final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed) the conviction came as no surprise 有罪判決 は 当然の ものと 受け取 られた. 2. 証明 や 証拠 を 必要としない 、 揺るぎない 信条.

  6. The state of being found or proved guilty: evidence that led to the suspect's conviction. 2. a. The act or process of convincing. b. The state or appearance of being convinced: She spoke with real conviction on the matter. 3. A fixed or strong belief. See Synonyms at view.

  7. 13 apr 2010 · Conviction si apre buttando immediatamente il giocatore nel vivo dell'azione: Sam è braccato dalla stessa Third Echelon che ha deciso di mollare in modo unilaterale e Grim, la voce che per anni l ...