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  1. 7 giu 2024 · Gerhard Schröder is a German politician who was the chancellor of Germany from 1998 to 2005. Having practiced law in Hannover, Schröder was elected to the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) in 1980 and served there until 1986, when he lost an election for premier of the state of Lower Saxony.

  2. 2 mar 2023 · In a statement, party members who wanted Schröder booted out said they regret the decision in favor of the former chancellor — who ran Germany between 1998 and 2005 — and urged him to leave the party voluntarily. They will discuss yet another appeal to this decision, one of the members told POLITICO. However such a move is considered unlikely.

  3. 15 giu 2024 · Gerhard Schröder im Portrait bei der FAZ. Lesen Sie aktuelle Nachrichten rund um den ehemaligen SPD-Politiker und siebten Bundeskanzler.

  4. 26 apr 2022 · In questi giorni l’ex cancelliere tedesco Gerhard Schröder, in carica fra il 1998 e il 2005, sta ricevendo moltissime critiche per i suoi legami con la Russia e il presidente russo Vladimir ...

  5. 26 lug 2022 · Gerhard Schröder. Born in 1944, the Social Democrat was Germany's chancellor from 1998 to 2005. After his term in office, Schröder became best known for the close ties he forged with Russia and ...

  6. Como membro do Partido Social Democrata da Alemanha (SPD), ele liderou um governo de coalizão do SPD e dos Verdes. Desde 2017, Schröder atua como presidente da empresa russa de energia Rosneft. [ 2] Antes de se tornar um político em tempo integral, ele foi advogado e, antes de se tornar chanceler, foi primeiro-ministro da Baixa Saxônia ...

  7. 2010. 2020. Gerhard Schröder ist ein deutscher Jurist und SPD-Politiker. Von 1998 bis 2005 ist er der siebte Kanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Schröder ist der erste Bundeskanzler, der mit einer Mehrheit von SPD und Bündnis90/Die Grünen regiert. Seine Amtszeit ist gekennzeichnet durch den Bundeswehreinsatz im Kosovo-Krieg, den ...