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  1. 25 mar 2021 · Daniel Olbrychski (ur. 1945) jest polskim aktorem filmowym, telewizyjnym i teatralnym. Znany z roli Kmicica w filmowej adaptacji „Potopu”, Azji Tuhajbejowicza w „Panu Wołodyjowskim”, Karola Borowieckiego w „Ziemi obiecanej”.

  2. Daniel Olbrychski has been the most popular Polish actor for many decades and at the same time has had an important international career; in this program of his films the only director with two titles is the greatest Polish author Andrzej Wajda who has played a key role in Olbrychski’s career

  3. A 1971 Cannes contender from a Polish master, Krzysztof Zanussi’s taut chamber drama simmers with generational discontent. Airing out the moral rots that underpin a handsome ancestral home, Family Life reckons with the shackles of familial dysfunction—and a country in sociopolitical disarray.

  4. Olbrychski még talán ma is az egyik legismertebb lengyel színész. 1945. február 27-én született £owiczban. 1964-tõl játszik, emellett rendkívül sokat sportolt is. 1969-ben szerepelt A kislovag c. filmben, a 70-es években pedig egymást érték a sikerei, Wajdának is köszönhetõen (Tájkép csata után, Nyírfaliget, Menyegzõ, Az ígéret földje).

  5. Daniel Marcel Olbrychski (Polish pronunciation: [ˈdaɲɛl ˈmart͡sɛl ɔlˈbrɨxskʲi]; born 27 February 1945) is a Polish actor. He is best known for leading roles in several Andrzej Wajda movies. He played a defector and spymaster Vassily Orlov, alongside Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie in the movie Salt.

  6. Den Daniel Marcel Olbrychski, gebuer de 27. Februar 1945 zu Łowicz a Polen , ass e polnesche Schauspiller . Den Daniel Olbrychski war bis 2013 mat, an iwwer 150 Kinos- an TV-Filmer ze gesinn.

  7. Born in Poland in 1945, Daniel Olbrychski made his debut age 16 and has become one of the greatest actors of his generation. The favourite actor of Wajda, he has worked with the Polish directors Hoffman, Zanussi, Kieslowski and Bajon, and, for his international career, been directed by Lelouch, Mikhalkov, Bolognini, Ka