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  1. Another reason why Shakespeare would have been tempted to set some of his plays in Italy is because he was often criticizing, and even ridiculing, archetypal figures of leadership; pointing out their failings and shortcomings in a brutally honest way which was extremely rare at that time in England. By setting his plays in a foreign country he ...

  2. St 2019/20 54 min. L' Italia di Shakespeare - Delle opere teatrali di William Shakespeare, più di un quarto sono legate all'Italia. In questa puntata di "Italia: Viaggio nella Bellezza" approfondiremo gli studi che vedono Shakespeare realmente in viaggio in questo paese, chi sostiene che abbia lo abbia solo immaginato a distanza, e chi lo ...

  3. All episodes of Shakespeare in Italy. Land of Love. 1 / 2 Francesco da Mosto shows how Shakespeare used Italy to tell his most passionate stories.

  4. 15 apr 2018 · La serie in due puntate "Shakespeare in Italy", che Rai Cultura propone da lunedì 16 aprile alle 21.15 su Rai5, prova a indagare il rapporto profondo tra Shakespeare e l’Italia

  5. 22 apr 2016 · Advertisement. Shakespeare loved Italy. A third of the Bard’s plays were set wholly or partially in the country, with locations ranging from Sicily to Rome to Venice. Even in those plays set elsewhere, he often couldn't resist an allusion to Italy - often to praise its art or to comment on the bitter wars between its city-states.

  6. 2 mag 2012 · Francesco da Mosto shows how Shakespeare used Italy to tell his most passionate stories. 51 min May 2, 2012 TV-G EPISODE 2

  7. 16 apr 2023 · Shake, i protagonisti: "La suggestione di Shakespeare per una serie teen piena di sfumature". I protagonisti Jason Prempeh, Giada Di Palma, Giulia Fazzini, Greta Esposito e Damiano Gavino, insieme ...