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  1. 20 ott 2023 · A direct blow to the face in fighting sports can also cause a “blow-out.” Treatment for orbital blowout fracture Because the amount of force required to fracture the orbit is significant, emergency medical services should be immediately called and care should be taken to also evaluate the athlete for a possible concussion, and/or brain injury.

  2. Il termine blow-out (scoppio) si riferisce a un particolare tipo di frattura del pavimento e/o della parete mediale dell’orbita, caratterizzato da una rima orbitaria intatta, che si verifica in conseguenza di un trauma contusivo sul bulbo oculare e/o sulla rima orbitaria stessa. Il trauma contusivo agisce sul bulbo oculare spingendolo all ...

  3. With the exception of pediatric trapdoor floor fractures (the so-called white-eyed blowout), which warrant immediate repair to prevent sequelae of oculocardiac reflex and muscle fibrosis,1–3 the optimal management of so-called routine orbital blowout fractures remains controversial. Two issues lie at the heart of the debate: the indications for repair and the timing of repair. Unfortunately ...

  4. 29 nov 2017 · 기전, 원리, 증상 안와 골절(Blow Out Fracture, Blow Out Fx., BOF)의 진단, 검사 안와골절에서 X-ray를 찍어볼수 있으나, 정확한 진단 및 수술을 위해서는 CT가 필수적입니다 우선 X-ray 사진을 꼼꼼히 살펴보면.. 저명한 안와골절(BOF)가 있는 경우 어느정도 진단할 수는 있습니다.

  5. Blow-out fracture refers to the caving out of one of the orbital bones that surround the eye. In most cases, the floor of the orbit is fractured ( Fig. 69.15 ), but the medial wall of the orbit can also be damaged. 25 “Trapdoor” fractures, usually involving the orbital floor, are not uncommon in children. Blow-out fractures are unusual in ...

  6. Druckerhöhungsmechanismus (Blow-Out-Fracture) Kommt es zu einem stumpfen Trauma durch ein Objekt mit einem Durchmesser von mehr als 5 cm wird der gesamte Augapfel und das orbitale Fett in die Augenhöhle zurückgedrängt und dort komprimiert. Dadurch entsteht kurzzeitig ein massiver Druckanstieg in der Orbita.

  7. Im Rahmen einer Blow-out-Fraktur ist in erster Linie die passive Beweglichkeit beeinträchtigt. Grund dafür ist, dass Binde- und Muskelgewebe in vielen Fällen in der Bruchspalte eingeklemmt werden, die durch die Fraktur entsteht. Auch können Muskelhämatome auftreten, die Störungen der Beweglichkeit zur Folge haben.