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  1. 30 mag 2023 · GARY SNYDER, 'PERICOLO SULLE CIME (DANGER ON PEAKS) (a cura di Paolo Allegrezza, edita da Elemento115 pp. 230 - 12,00 euro), Dopo la morte di Ferlinghetti, scomparso nel 2021 a 102 anni, Gary ...

  2. 16 lug 2020 · Among many evocative statements about his life and work, a particularly crucial one is Gary Snyder’s (born May 8, 1930) claim that. As a poet, I hold the most archaic values on earth. They go back to the late Paleolithic; the fertility of the soil, the magic of animals; the power-vision in solitude, the terrifying initiation and rebirth; the ...

  3. Gary Snyder. Gary Snyder poeta, saggista, Buddhista Zen, montanaro, bioregionalista ed ecologista profondo - è autore di numerosi libri di poesia e prosa, Myths & texts (1960), Turtle Island (1974) Premio Pulitzer per la poesia, The old ways (1977), Axe handles (1983), The practice of the wild (1990), Mountains and rivers without end (1996 ...

  4. Gary Snyder is known for many influential poems, but one of his most famous and often cited works is ‘Riprap.’This poem, from the collection, also titled Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems, published in 1959, encapsulates Snyder’s deep ecological awareness, his appreciation for the natural world, and his Zen Buddhist influences.

  5. 13 ott 2008 · Zen Master. By Dana Goodyear. October 13, 2008. Gary Snyder with Allen Ginsberg in 1996. Snyder says, “I am a poet who has preferred not to distinguish in poetry between nature and humanity ...

  6. Gary Snyder : Une biographie par Allen Ginsberg. Enfance dans le Nord-Ouest, entouré de bûcherons, d'Indiens, de syndicalistes anarchistes et d'intellectuels, rencontre W.C. Williams. 1950, Reed College, avec ses amis Lew Welch et Philip Whalen. Médite beaucoup quand il est guetteur d'incendies au début des années 50, État de Washington.

  7. Pubblicata negli Usa nel 2004, giunge ora la prima traduzione italiana, curata da Paolo Allegrezza, di «Pericolo sulle cime» (Ed. Elemento 115, pp. 230, euro 12) raccolta di poesie di Gary Snyder, alias Japhy Ryder ne «I Vagabondi del Dharma» di Jack Kerouac. È un viaggio tra montagne e foreste, fiumi e autostrade, animali e camion che trasportano tronchi di alberi abbattuti, visioni e ...