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  1. Alice Kingsley (Mia Wasikowska) is, unbeknownst to her, on her way to her engagement party. Turns out this is the famous Alice who 13 years earlier ventured in to Wonderland. Surely there is a creative reason to pull her back into the zany world. Nope, she merely felt the urge to chase a rabbit who himself was seeking to fulfill a prophecy.

  2. Alice travels to the March Hare’s house to find the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and the Dormouse having tea together. Treated rudely by all three, Alice stands by the tea party, uninvited. She learns that they have wronged Time and are trapped in perpetual tea-time. After a final discourtesy, Alice leaves and journeys through the forest.

  3. The Frog-footman is stupid and accustomed to the fact that nothing makes sense in Wonderland. A list of all the characters in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland characters include: Alice, The Cheshire Cat , The Queen of Hearts, The White Rabbit, The King of Hearts, The Mad Hatter, The Duchess.

  4. 2 giorni fa · Alice nel paese delle meraviglie o Alice in Wonderland: riassunto del libro più famoso dello scrittore britannico Lewis Carroll. Alice Munro: vita, libri e racconti della scrittrice premio Nobel.

  5. Ammaliante e magica, Alice In Wonderland è una nuova, fantasiosa versione di una delle storie più amate. Alice (Mia Wasikowska), ora diciannovenne, ritorna nel fantastico mondo che ha conosciuto per la prima volta da bambina, per imbarcarsi in un avventuroso viaggio alla ricerca del suo vero destino.

  6. Hallmarks Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1999 [] In the well-received 1999 adaptation made for TV, which won four Emmys, Alice is played by Tina Majorino. The movie combines portions of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and features such talents as Whoopi Goldberg (the Cheshire Cat) and Martin Short (the Mad Hatter).

  7. "Alice in Wonderland" non è un materiale che sfugge alle rimodellazioni, anzi, è malleabile, è di pongo e con un po' di intelligenza, trasponendolo cinematograficamente, lo si può adattare bene agli scopi tanto della Disney quanto di un autore come Svankmajer, ottenendo risultati agli opposti e ugualmente validi.

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