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  1. 17 lug 2012 · Se vogliamo cercare una simil/Pompadur o Du Barry nella corte d'Inghilterra,sicuramente bisogna trovarla nella figura prorompente di Alice Keppel,l'ultima famosa "favorita" reale inglese. Nata nel 1868,Alice Edmonston,proveniva da una piccola nobiltà scozzese,la minore di nove figli.

  2. 11 lug 2003 · Camilla's inherited role as royal mistress. She was lover of the Prince of Wales - a strong influence on him and a humiliation for his wife. And she was Camilla Parker Bowles's great-grandmother. Alice Keppel had the "sexual morals of an alley cat", says historian Victoria Glendinning. "Sexual faithfulness to her husband wasn't a value to her."

  3. 15 ott 1998 · Alice Keppel, the married lover of Queen Victoria's eldest son and great-grandmother to Camilla Parker-Bowles, was a key figure in Edwardian society. Hers was the acceptable face of adultery. Discretion was her hallmark. It was her art to be the king's mistress and yet to laud the Royal Family and the institution of marriage.

  4. Alice Keppel incontrò Edoardo, principe di Galles (poi Edoardo VII), erede al trono nel 1898, lei aveva 29 anni. Non passò molto tempo prima che diventasse una delle sue molte amanti, nonostante ...

  5. 6 mag 2023 · Both Alice's husband George Keppel and the King's wife, Alexandra of Denmark, were privy to their affair. According to reports, Keppel even benefited from it. Edward bestowed his mistress with shares in a rubber company and promoted her husband to a highly lucrative job under Sir Thomas Lipton.

  6. 27 feb 2024 · Il palazzo sulla collina apparteneva alla sua bisnonna, Alice Keppel, nonché amante del re Edoardo VII, e ora è in vendita per 26 milioni di euro.

  7. Alice married George Keppel, son of William Keppel, 7th Earl of Albemarle and four years her senior, on June 1, 1891. Extra-marital affairs Even early on, Alice Keppel had a reputation for adultery, and it was rumoured that her eldest daughter was not fathered by her husband George, but in fact was the daughter of the future Lord Grimthorpe, one of her lovers.