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  1. 9 nov 2019 · Da Marco Craighero - 9 Novembre 2019 16:40. La Passione di Cristo è un film diretto da Mel Gibson nel 2004 che racconta le ultime ore di vita di Gesù Cristo, dall’arresto nel Giardino degli ...

  2. 4 apr 2018 · Film-making itself is a huge industry. From acting and directing, to sound design, special effects, and editing. Where ever your passion lies, you have a massive selection of specific fields you ...

  3. 26 feb 2019 · In many ways, The Passion of the Christ is an action film, and a bloody one at that. Gibson cut his teeth on Mad Max and Lethal Weapon, after all, and his prestige hit Braveheart was just as gruesome as it was epic in scope. With Passion, all those principles are on display in every minute of Christ’s final twelve hours.