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  1. Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. Hans Baldung Grien was Dürer’s most gifted pupil, and an artist who soon developed a distinctive style of his own. While his output was varied and extensive, this panel is his only surviving female portrait. Here, the influence of another great German master, Lucas Cranach the Elder, is perceptible in ...

  2. After Hans Baldung (called Hans Baldung Grien) (German, Schwäbisch Gmünd (?) 1484/85–1545 Strasbourg) after 1512. How Woodcuts are Made

  3. Hans Baldung (called Hans Baldung Grien) German. 1534. Not on view. In 1534 Baldung made three woodcuts of wild horses in a dark and dense forest, a subject unique to him that had neither precedent nor following. The prints are so idiosyncratic that they must have had strong personal meaning for him, then in about his fiftieth year.

  4. Hans Baldung: 12 works. 'Hans Baldung Grien was Dürer's most gifted pupil, and an artist who soon developed a distinctive style of his own. While his output was varied and extensive, this panel is his only surviving female portrait.'. Woman Holding Coat of Arms (1503) by Hans Baldung Grien Renaissance and Reformation.

  5. 14 ott 2002 · Hans Baldung, called Grien, was most probably born in Schwäbisch Gmünd in southwestern Germany, the site of the family home. The most important evidence for deducing his date of birth (between 1484 and 1485) is a self-portrait drawing at age 49 which is preparatory to a 1534 woodcut. It has been pointed out that Hans Baldung was the only male ...

  6. Hans Baldung Grien. La tavola venne acquistata da Antonio Borgogna all’asta della collezione Manfrin, tenutasi a Venezia nel 1897. Hans Baldung detto Grien, pittore ed incisore tedesco, svolse la sua attività inizialmente a Strasburgo ma, dal 1503 al 1506, fu a Norimberga dove Albrecht Dürer, maestro ed amico, gli affidò la direzione della ...

  7. Gmünd (Austria), 1484 - Strasbourg (France), 1545. The Ages of Woman and Death. 1541 - 1544. Oil on panel. Room 055B. Death has taken hold of an older woman who is in turn trying to pull along a voluptuous young woman who seems to be resisting. Death holds an hourglass and a broken lance, on the lower tip of which a dead child rests its hand.