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  1. Yale University Press è la casa editrice universitaria legata all'Università Yale. Fu fondata nel 1908 da George Parmly Day [1] ed è diventata un servizio ufficiale dell'Università nel 1961 , restando finanziariamente e operativamente autonoma.

  2. 11 giu 2024 · New research co-authored by Yale SOM’s Jason Dana finds that people over-focus on increased consumption without considering the positive effects of growth. Yale statements on the Hamas-Israel war Statements from Yale University about the Hamas-Israel war and an overview of the university’s ...

  3. Yale University is a large research university with a wide array of programs, departments, schools, centers, museums, and many affiliated organizations. The facts below address some frequently asked statistical questions about Yale.

  4. L' université Yale (en anglais : Yale University ou YU) est une université privée américaine située à New Haven dans le Connecticut. Fondée en 1701, dans la colonie de Saybrook, pour assurer la formation des révérends congrégationalistes, elle est le troisième établissement d'enseignement supérieur le plus ancien des États-Unis .

  5. Admissions for International Students. With 22% of its student body coming from abroad, Yale University offers a diverse and exciting global environment in which to study. Yale’s history of including international students is a long one, starting back in the 1800s. Today, Yale welcomes the largest international community in its history, with ...

  6. 1887-ben az eredetileg Yale College nevét Yale Egyetem-re változtatta – ekkor a beiratkozott hallgatók száma már jóval meghaladta az 1000-et. 1892-ben a Yale elsőként engedélyezte nők számára az egyetemre történő beiratkozást. Nem sokkal a századforduló előtt – szintén egyedülálló módon – létrejött az önálló ...

  7. Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn. No course credit, degree, or certificate is available through the Open Yale Courses website.

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