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  1. Susanna Annesley who later became Susanna Wesley was a stay-at-home mom of nine surviving children, though she bore 19. Though a poor pastor’s wife, Susanna lived with ardor. She transformed the means she had into masterful works of love and godliness.

  2. Susanna Wesley wurde 1669 als Susanna, genannt Sukey, Annesley geboren. Sie war das 24. von 25 Kindern. Ihr Vater war der puritanische Pastor der Dissenters, Samuel Annesley, ein Verwandter von Arthur Annesley, dem ersten Earl of Anglesey.

  3. Susanna Wesley’s notable quotes and teachings inspire individuals to deepen their faith, prioritize religious education, and nurture their relationship with God.Her personal characteristics of courage, resilience, and determination continue to inspire believers today.

  4. The Susanna Wesley Foundation is a community of scholars and practitioners who promote dialogue, support research and create resources in order to equip churches and those who work in them, and to facilitate transformative change.

  5. 1 feb 2021 · Meine Darstellung von Susanna Wesley basiert auf den folgenden Biografien, die ich von ihr gelesen habe: Susanna Wesley. Her Remarkable Life von Ray Comfort. Susanna Wesley. Mother of Methodism von Mary Greetham. Und Biografien über John Wesley: John Wesley von Martin Smith. Mit ruhigem Herzen vertraute er Gott von Karl Zehrer. Lies weitere ...

  6. Susanna, the accomplished wife of the Rev. Samuel Wesley, Rector of Epworth, and the mother of the Wesley brothers, was the daughter of Dr. Samuel Annesley. Dunton relates that when Dr. Manton was baptizing one of Dr. Annesley’s numerous children he was asked how many more he had, the witty divine characteristicly replied that he was not quite sure whether it was two dozen or a quarter of a ...

  7. 5 mag 2016 · "Susanna Wesley es la madre de uno de los grandes dúos dinámicos de la historia de la iglesia, Juan y Carlos dignos hijos de tan noble madre. Ella fue la persona que se encargó de su educación y formación espiritual ", dice el Rev. Alfred T. Day III, Secretario General de la Comisión General de Archivos e Historia ( GCAH ) de La Iglesia Metodista Unida (IMU).