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  1. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon è nata il 4 agosto del 1900. Ai tempi regnava la regina Vittoria e l'Europa era costellata di monarchie. Nona figlia del 14esimo duca di Strathmore, fu assediata dall'impacciato Alberto duca di York , membro della royal family inglese, balbuziente e timidissimo.

  2. Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (born 1900) became queen through her marriage to George VI, king of Great Britain and Ireland from 1936 to 1952. Upon her husband's death, Elizabeth became the Queen Mother and will most likely be remembered as the most beloved royal figure in British history.

  3. Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, aged six, 1906-1907 . Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon married the Duke of York on 26th April 1923. A print from The Illustrated...

  4. Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon ( 4. srpna 1900 – 30. března 2002 ), byla jako manželka Jiřího VI. královnou Spojeného království a britských dominií od roku 1936 do jeho smrti v roce 1952. Po jeho smrti byla po více než 50 let známa jako královna Alžběta, královna matka, aby nedošlo k záměně s její dcerou ...

  5. The Queen Mother. On 4 th August 1900 Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes Lyon, the youngest daughter of Lord and Lady Glamis was born. Her father, Claude, would go on to become the 14 th Earl of Strathmore while Lady Elizabeth would one day marry a future King and be known around the world as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother.

  6. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother was the mother of Queen Elizabeth II, the former British sovereign, and the widow of King George VI. She was born the Honourable Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon on 4 August 1900 (fourth daughter of Lord Glamis, later 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, and second child).

  7. 13 apr 2017 · August 1900 kommt Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon in London zur Welt. Sie ist das neunte von zehn Kindern. Zusammen mit ihrem zwei Jahre jüngeren Bruder David wächst sie auf Glamis Castle in ...