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  1. Description: Pierre Matisse Gallery archives, 1903-1990 1931-1990., , , , MA 5020 Pierre Matisse Gallery archives, 1903-1990 1931-1990. | Literary and Historical Manuscripts | The Morgan Library & Museum

  2. 14 mag 2004 · It is a heterogenous array of paintings, sculptures and works on paper once owned by the Manhattan-based art dealer Pierre Matisse (1900-1989) and his wife, Maria-Gaetana (1943-2001).

  3. Pierre Matisse, da aspirante artista a collezionista d’eccezione. Nato nel 1900 e terzogenito del pittore, Pierre Matisse vive l’infanzia tra colori e pennelli: il padre Henri ne fa uno dei suoi modelli ed egli stesso si cimenta nella pittura.

  4. Pierre H. Matisse is an innovative visionary. In 1997 he pioneered the cut out as an archival viable art form, going on to create over 100 cut outs as a tribute to his grandfather. More recently he has completed an artistic endeavor which involves both art and engineering which he began in 1957. Whether it is impressionistic landscapes, a ...

  5. Raymond Georges Yves Tanguy was born on January 5, 1900, in Paris. While attending high school he met Pierre Matisse, his future dealer and lifelong friend. In 1918 he joined the merchant marine and traveled to Africa, South America, and England. During military service at Lunéville in 1920, Tanguy became a friend of the poet Jacques Prévert.

  6. 11 dic 2016 · In questi anni, nella sfera privata di Matisse ci furono vari sviluppi: in un primo momento, ebbe una figlia, chiamata Marguerite, da una modella; successivamente si sposò con Amélie Noelie Parayre, e da questa relazione, nacquero altri due figli, Jean e Pierre. I FAUVES

  7. 15 feb 2002 · When one said Pierre Matisse Gallery or even the Matisse Gallery, one did not think of the painter." ``Pierre Matisse and His Artists'' is at the Morgan Library, 29 East 36th Street, Manhattan ...